Chapter 3~ L'Manburg

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"Hey Phil? I have a question." she said, trying her hardest not to smile at the thought.

"Yeah? You seem happy, what's up?" he said, giggling as he cleaned a glass and put it back up in the cabinet.

"I was wondering if I could go and venture out a bit, see what The OverWorld has to offer, ya know?" she asked, her voice was full of genuine curiosity.

"I don't see why not, you seem capable of protecting yourself, I just need to lay out some ground rules." he said, wanting to make sure she is happy.

"Ok! Anything to go out a bit."

"One, be careful who you speak to, if you sense danger at all, don't be aggressive, be defensive. Two, don't lead anyone back to this place, if you are being followed, shoot this firework off in the air, and me and Techno will come and get you. And three, if anyone asks you about this place or me, act like you have no idea what they are talking about. Just tell them you just came out of the portal and have no idea where you are, ok?" he said, but before Luna could reply he said, "And be back by tomorrow."

"Yes dad!" Luna shouted, and wrapped him up in a hug. Philza was a little shocked at first, and stiffened up at the name. "Sorry, I can just call you Ph-" she went to say and loosened the hug when she was cut off again. Philza wrapped her up in a tight hug.

"Dad is fine." he said, a tear falling down his face. He used his wing to wipe the tear away and led her to the door, handed her some fireworks, and a compass that would lead her back to the cottage. "Don't lose that." he said, and when she glanced down the compass said "Home is where the <3 is. ~Philza & Techno"

"Thanks dad!" Luna replied, giving him one last hug before Techno walked out of the door.

"What, no goodbyes for your brother?" he stated, acting as if he was offended. Over the course of the past few days she had begun calling him bro.

"What? Of course you get one!" Luna exclaimed, stretching her wings over to him and wrapping them all up in one big group hug. When they all let go of eachother Techo pulled a sword out, it was made of what she discovered was Netherite.

"In case you get into a little more than what you bargained for." he said, and once it was in her hands she noticed that in the handle, the words 'The Blade' were etched into the metal, and she giggled a little bit.

"Thanks guys, love you!" Luna said as she opened up her wings, and the boys looked at her, and began to wave.

"Love you too kiddo" Phil said, while Techno looked at her and said, "Love you too you little shit."

Luna was gliding through the air, taking her wherever the wind guided her. Unlike The End, this place was always showing signs of life, even with something as simple as the breeze. As she had been flying for quite some time she saw something off in the distance. It seemed to be Obsidian walls. She pushed herself to go faster and landed gracefully on the top of the wall. She gripped the firework close to her side, and then hopped down the wall. She walked around, looking at all the architecture, and looking at all the scenery. She noticed a large flag hanging over the entire area, and then she came across a small van. She went to look around a bit when she felt a hand grip her shoulder.

"HOLY SHIT!" she screamed, and turned herself really fast, and her wing hit the man, and he fell back to the ground, and she pulled her arms up to cover her face.

"I'M SO SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN TO SCARE YOU!" the man screamed back at her, and got back up and stood a ways back. "I'm sorry I saw the wings and thought you were someone else."

"Oh it's ok, just, not used to other living people, hehe." Luna replied, trying to calm herself around a bit, remembering how Philza told her to talk to other people.

"Anyways, where are you from?" the man asked.

"The End, you?" Luna replied. The man looked kind of shocked at her bluntness.

"Well, I come from somewhere far away from here, but this place is my home now, my little brother and I like to call it L'manburg." he asked. "Your name?"

"Luna, your's?" she replied, realizing how brief she was being, and felt kind of bad.

"Wilbur, here let me show you around." Wilbur said, smiling and reaching his hand out for Luna to take. She accepted as he showed her around what she had already seen, but this time explaining what everything's purpose was. After a little bit of talking, two boys came walking down the wooden path that led into the walls, and the gates opened for them.

"HEY WILBUR! WAIT- IS THAT A WOMAN??" the blonde one shouted.

"Tommy, stop that's rude." the brunette one said, while hitting Tommy's shoulder.

"Boys, boys, let me introduce you to Luna. She's new around these parts so I am trying to show her around." Wilbur said. He shifted towards the two boys, grabbing Tommy first.
"This here is my idiotic little brother Tommy, don't mind him." Wilbur said, sticking his tongue out at Tommy. Luna giggled, and Tommy feigned a hurt expression.

"And this little guy over here is Tubbo, he likes bees." Wilbur said, whispering that last part so only Luna could hear. Tommy and Tubbo were currently arguing over something when a boy that resembled a fox came up from behind them.

"You guys left me out there! All alone!" he said, tears in his eyes.

"YOU TWO LEFT MY SON OUT THERE ALL ALONE??" Wilbur screamed at Tommy and Tubbo, and wrapped his son up in his arms.

"Sorry bro, Fundy just wasn't fast enough." Tommy said, crossing his arms.

"You little bitch." Wilbur said getting ready to hit Tommy when they heard a horse approaching the gates, they all slid behind the wall. Wilbur peeked around the edge of the wall, and when he came back around he had a face of pure terror.

"Luna, I need you to go and hide real quick. Dream can't know we have someone new in these parts." Wilbur said, and pointed to a building that she could hide behind real quick and still be able to see what was happening without immediately revealing her position.

"O-ok." Luna said, beginning to feel fear set in. When she flew over to the wall she pulled the firework out and stared at it for a second. She thought to herself, should I use it? Would it put Dad and Techno at risk? She began trembling a bit when Tubbo grabbed her hand.

"It'll be ok, just stay hidden, ok?" he whispered, and ran towards the gate to stand with the rest of the men. She looked and saw three men on horseback, all armed with bows and arrows, the two men in the back armed with battle axes, and the one in the front armed with an enchanted sword, and he had a Netherite chestplate on. The one in the front began to speak.

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