Chapter 6~ Lives

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"It's ok Luna." she hears Tubbo whisper in her ear.

"How- how can you both be so calm? Tommy just fucking died and neither of you two are even shedding a tear? Tubbo, he is your best friend, and Wilbur, he is your brother for Christ's sake. You could at least show a little bit of sadness. He was the best fucking friend I had, and now he's gone." Luna replied, her sadness turning into anger for the lack of sadness for her fallen friend.

"But Luna, he isn't dead." Wilbur said, as if Tommy was still breathing next to him.

"What do you mean Wilbur?" Luna said, getting upset. "Look at this body and tell me he is still alive."

"But I am still alive, Luna..." Tommy whispered from behind her, and she turned around and looked in his direction. He looked like he had been running for a while.

"Bu-but..." Luna said, not really sure if she should believe what she is seeing.

"That was only my first life, I still have two left." Tommy said, giggling a little.

"How can I be sure you're the real Tommy and not just some illusion?" Luna replied.

"See that bow over there? On our way over here you plucked out one of your own feathers and tucked it in behind the wrapping on the handle for good luck." he said, grabbing her bow and pulling out the feather in the exact spot she left it. "And you also said that once we get back you would make it into a necklace for me." he said, handing the feather back to her.

"It really is you..." she said, and began sobbing even more as she lifted herself up and threw herself onto Tommy.

"Was there ever any doubt? I mean, how could anything replicate the awesomeness that is me?" he said, and she punched him in the shoulder.

"I really thought you were dead..." Luna said, all while Tubbo and Wilbur just stood in the background.

"Like I said, we have three lives, that was just my first time dying..." Tommy said, looking into her eyes. "Did you not know that?"

"Do I look like I fucking knew that?" Luna said, still crying while pushing herself off of him.

"Guess not. Hehe." Tommy replied, and stood up to face Wilbur.

"What's that look on your face for?" Wilbur said, concerned.

"I have an idea for our independence." Tommy said, and pulled two music discs out of his back pocket.

"Tommy, you can't trade your discs! They mean everything to you!" Tubbo shouted.

"But if it means that we can live in peace, then isn't it worth it?" Tommy said, and looked down at his discs with tears in his eyes.

"If you are ok with it we can try it." Wilbur said, and led everyone back to L'manburg.

On the way back Luna notices a change in Tommy's mood so she drifts back to him at the end of their line. As she does she notices Wilbur sent off a messenger pigeon. She turns her head to look at Tommy.

"Everything ok? You seem down." she said, tapping him with her wing.

"Yeah, just not excited about losing my discs." he replied, looking down at the ground.

"We can get them back later, cause I mean, what is the green blob gonna do with your discs?"

"He just wants power Luna, he just would hold them above my head and brag about them like the little bitch he is." he said, his voice getting angry as he pulled one of the discs out of his pocket.

"Well, if it's power he is after, just don't let it get to you. Show him it doesn't affect you."

"I guess..." he said, and put the disc back in his pocket as they arrived at the gate of L'manburg.

"Guys, go ahead and settle in for the night, we will be meeting with Dream tomorrow at dawn." Wilbur said, holding a different messenger pigeon in his hand. "Luna, you can stay with Tommy for the night."

"Ok, hey Tommy, got any twine at your house?" Luna said, as she held her feather up for him.

"Maybe, if not, we can just rob Tubbo." he said, a small smile spreading across his face. The two ran to his house inside the walls and found some twine in his chests. Luna ran to a crafting station and showed him how her friends used to make them. Along with the feather tied in the middle of the necklace, they found various stones and wound them in, and Luna even contributed a few diamond shards. Tommy looked in awe of her craftsmanship. She plucked another feather out as she made a matching one and tied one around his neck, and he helped her with hers. All throughout the night they took turns telling each other stories from their childhoods, and the night was filled with laughter. Luna learned that Tommy's father was actually Phil, meaning that Tommy was her cousin, but she decided not to tell him until Phil told her it was safe. Tommy learned what The End was like, and wondered if she knew any of his ancient End family. Many hours later, the two passed out in his living room.

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