Chapter 2~ Family

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After about an hour of flying in the snow, they came upon a small cottage in the snow. Smoke was rising from the chimney, and they landed just a little ways off of the porch. After shaking her wings off, she followed Philza inside, and the cottage was very warm and cozy. Sitting near the fireplace, was a man, who reminded her of the pigs she read about back in The End. Philza turned around to face her.

"This man here is my eldest son, but you can call him Techno. He is sleeping at the moment, so ignore him. Let's go get you something to eat and then there is something I would like to ask you." he said, as he was guiding her to where she assumed they stored food.

"You got any chorus fruit?" she asked, not knowing what they had to eat in The OverWorld.

"We have much better things than chorus fruit." he said, as he opened a type of box, and when he opened it cold air rushed out, and it reminded her of the snow they flew through to get to the cottage. He pulled out some type of meat, something she had only read about in the end. She stared at it for a second. She watched him put some particles on it before he put the meat into a stone box that had fire inside, and the meat began changing color. A wonderful smell began to fill the room. After a few minutes he pulled it out, and went back to the storage containers, and put more particles on the meat. He came back and led her to a table, and sat the plates down.

"You can sit down, while we eat I would like to ask you a few questions." he said, and then they both sat down.

"Only if I can ask you one question first." Luna asked.

"Sure thing," he replied.

"What is this?"

"Well, I baked meat from a cow, and now it is what we call steak." he said, and took a bite of this steak.

"Ok. As long as it's edible." she said, and as she took a bite, she felt like a whole new world had been opened for her. This stuff blew chorus fruit away, it was delicious.

"I take it you like it?" he said, laughing while she stuffed her face with steak. By the time he was done laughing, she had completely eaten her steak, and she was staring at him intently.

"After something as good as that, I definitely owe you some answers now, fire away!" Luna said, unable to hide her happiness after eating the steak.

"Well first question, what city were you from back in The End?" he asked, staring intently into her eyes.

"Well, while it has been destroyed for quite some time, I was from a small city far from the dragons island, called Furness, but my people really pissed off the great Dragon, and it wiped our city right off the island. Luckily for me, I had been off on a neighboring island gathering chorus fruit, sadly for everyone else, they were not. I was the only one who made it out. So for the past seven years, I have been venturing through The End. Never did find anyone else though." Luna said, and the shock on Philzas face was making her nervous.

"Did you know a woman by the name of Selene?" he asked, and that name made Luna tremble. She was wondering how he knew her mothers name.

"Of course I knew her, she was my mother. How do you know her?" she asked, and Philza's eyes seemed to glimmer for a second, and he began to tear up.

"She was my sister." he said while looking at her, and they both began to cry as she opened her wings and launched herself across the table at him, and they both wrapped each other up in a hug. He wrapped his wings around her. "To be honest, I never thought I would meet another one of us, and I had gone and searched for a long time, I came back to the ruins, and like you said, no one survived, I didn't think you did either. Honestly though, the last time I saw her was when she was pregnant with you, before I found my way here." he said, while wrapping her up still.

"After Furness was destroyed, I thought I would just be wandering there for forever, I never knew that I was gonna find this place, let alone you. Mom never told me your name, just that I had an uncle who died." Luna said, trying to keep herself from sobbing. They stayed like that for a while until they heard someone sipping something in the room. They both opened up their wings a little bit to see Techno sipping some tea in the doorway.

"So what's this I'm hearing about family?" he said, immediately taking another sip of his tea.

"Techno, I would like for you to meet my niece, and your cousin, Luna." Philza said, and nudged Luna towards Techno.

"Ummm, hi?" she said, nervous as she stared at the pigman in the eyes.

"Cousin huh, cool." Techno said, leaning down a bit to be at her level.

"Don't make her nervous now, she has been through alot, why don't you show her around a little bit?" Philza replied, and began picking up the plates from where they had been eating.

"Sure thing, let's go outside for a bit." Techno said, and guided Luna outside. He began walking towards the trees. "Can you shoot?" he asked, trying to start a conversation.

"If I had a bow I could, my friends and I used to have competitions all the time back in the day." Luna said, trying to keep the conversation going.

"Here, shoot that polar bear in the distance," he said, pointing to the white ball of fur off in the distance, and handing her his bow, and one arrow.

"Ok, sounds easy enough." she replied, and took the bow. Getting into position, she knelt down, and pulled the hair out from infront of her right eye, and closed her left. When Techno looked at her eye he noticed it was different from her left eye. While her left eye was blue, her right eye looked exactly like an Eye of Ender, which he found very cool. She focused in and pulled her arm back, and once her eye locked on, she released, and the arrow found its way right in between the bear's eyes, and killed it in one swift shot.

"Nice, exceeded my expectations, looks like I know what you need. Let's go craft you some stuff." he said, guiding her back to the house. Once they got in, Techno told Philza what she could do, and Philza was also impressed. Techno guided her down to a room in the basement that had some crafting tools, and an enchantment table, which she had seen in the elders' halls back in The End. He helped her craft up a bow, and painted it a lilac purple color that matched her hair, and then walked over to the enchantment table. After a while, they had the finished product, and it was quite beautiful.

"Since you built it for me, why don't you give it a name!" Luna exclaimed, happy to have been able to witness Techno's skills.

"Well, since you were from the end, why not call it 'Dragons Breath'?" he said, and she loved the name. They went back outside and went hunting for a bit, before returning to the house, Techno helped her learn some fighting skills. When they returned, Philza was visibly happy about how his son was having such a great time with their new family, and he felt that she was gonna fit in just fine. Over the next few days they showed Luna how things worked in The OverWorld, like mining, farming, and cooking. They even showed her the Nether. Philza also taught her some flying tricks. Then one day, Luna was gonna try and venture out a bit, and learn more of the land. She went to Philza to see if he would let her.

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