Chapter 7~ Independance and Curses

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When the sun began to rise, Wilbur went around and gathered the boys and Luna, and made their way to the gates. On the way they drafted up the "Declaration of Independance," which Luna thought was quite funny. Once they arrived at the gate they saw the members of the SMP, with Dream standing at the front.

"Hope you actually have something good to offer me." Dream said, his smirk was practically audible underneath his mask.

"Actually I do." Tommy said, walking to the front of the group, and held the discs and the declaration up. "If you accept all of the terms in this book, I shall hand over both of my discs."

"Hmmm..." Dream said, and grabbed the book. He read over it carefully for a few moments. After he finished reading he glanced up at the discs. "Are those the real discs?"

"Yes Dream, and you can have them both." Tommy said, and tossed them up in the air and caught them, he was practically taunting Dream.

"I suppose I could give you your... "Independance." he said, and exchanged a signed declaration for the discs, and he and his crew immediately teleported away.

"Did... that actually just work?" Tubbo said, looking at Tommy in shock.

"BOYS! WE ARE FREE!" Wilbur screamed, which everyone else quickly joined in. Luna was happy for her newfound family and friends. The group quickly rushed back to L'Manburg and raised the flag high into the sky. They opened up the gates and quickly began construction on new buildings. Luna helped lift and transport building materials around. Throughout the course of the day they actually managed to complete a few buildings. Upon nightfall Tommy, Tubbo, and Luna were gathered around a fire. Luna decided to show them a trick she learned from Techno.

"You wanna see a trick my brother showed me?" Luna said, and the boys nodded. She reached into her side bag and pulled out a vial of soul sand. She threw some of it into the fire and it turned blue, and Tubbo was impressed. Tommy got scared and fell off his log.

"Where did you get soul sand?" he asked, and Tommy pushed himself off the ground.

"From The Nether, have you guys never been?" she asked.

"Nope." the boys said in unison. Luna looked at them.

"I will have to show you guys sometime, but I will have to prep for the trip, and that would require me to make the trip back to my camp."

"Actually, Tubbo and I were wondering if you would want to live here with us, you know, since it's just you back at your camp..." Tommy said, sitting back down on his log.

"Actually, I wouldn't mind staying here for a while. I would just have to make a trip back to get my things."

The two boys looked at each other and began to smile. They were excited for their new friend to move in, and for all the fun times and travels they could have together. They decided to pick out a plot for Luna's house, and they picked a spot near their houses. Luna gathered some things and decided to make the trip back to Phil's the next morning,  and told the boys she could be gone for a few days. They said they would gather some things to make her house, and begin. They slept together underneath the stars that night.

Once the sun rose up Luna stretched her wings in preparation for the journey, and said goodbye to Tommy and Tubbo, who now had a matching necklace with the other two. She promised she would be back in a few days. After a few hugs and some laughs, she launched herself in the air, and after she was out of eyeshot, she drank her invisibility potion and flew off to Phil and Techno.

After some time, she saw the house. She landed a little ways off and before she could even make it to the house she was greeted by Techno and Phil.

"I'm so happy you are ok, you had us really worried..." Phil said.

"Yeah, I am ok... although I discovered that we have multiple lives! Isn't that awesome!" Luna said, and both of the guys looked concerned.

"Who did you see die, Luna?" Phil asked.

"Tommy, why?" Luna replied, and Techno sighed.

"Elytrians don't have multiple lives, so you need to be really careful, ok Luna?" Phil said, and Luna looked shocked for a moment.

"But Tommy is your son, so why does he have multiple lives?" Luna replied, not believing what she was hearing.

"Yes, but Tommy isn't 100% Elytrian, his mother was from The OverWorld. As is Wilbur's." Phil said, and looked at Techno.

"I sadly have been cursed to one life." Techno said, still not revealing any sort of emotion.

"That isn't fair, why do they get more lives than us?" Luna said, getting kind of upset.

"Because we are more powerful than they are dear." Phil said, leading her into the house. "Why don't you come inside and we can fix you something to eat."

"Yeah, sure." Luna said, and laid her bow down once she made it into the doorway. The next few hours were filled with awkward silence, but then Luna finally gained the courage to tell her family her decision. "Hey guys, there is something I wanted to tell you."

"Go ahead kid." Techno replied.

"I want to move to L'manburg for a bit, and be with my friends."

"Are you sure that's what you want Luna?" Phil said, and looked at her for a moment.

"Just for a bit, I am going to come back though. And if I ever need anything I will be sure to signal with the firework." she said, and tears came to her eyes when she hugged Philza.

"Well, if that's what you want, just know you can come home any time kiddo." Phil replied, and ruffled the hair on top of her head. She gave Techno a fist bump and ran to her room upstairs to grab what few things she had. When she returned to the living room she saw Techno with the rest of her armor.

"You will probably need these." he said, and wrapped her up in a hug. Philza followed not too far behind and they all sat there for a moment, refusing to cry.

"This will always be my home, ok guys. Love you!" Luna said, and went for the door. Philza and Techno stood and waved her off, and watched her fly back to L'manburg. But little did they know they would be together again very soon.

My Beloved (Ranboo x OC)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα