Chapter 2

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Gumball and Darwin open the door to find you and Nicole sitting upright as if nothing happened at all. "Hi, Mom! Hi, y/n!" they say. "hi, kids. how was yall's day?" "pretty good, apart from having another damn test again" gumball grunts.

"Gumball! What have I told you about cursing?!" Nicole shouts

"Oh... sorry mom."

"What about you Darwin?"

"Great! I asked carrie out on a date and she said yes!"

"That's wonderful sweetie! When it supposed to be?"

"I don't know. She said around 7 at Larry's."

"Oh alright, I'll be sure to take you."

"Thanks Mom!"

"And as for you, Gumball. I don't want to hear another dirty word come out of your mouth, I mean it!"

Gumball gulps. "Yes mom."

They both headed upstairs. Nicole sighs as she leans her head on your shoulder.

"what about you? Are you with someone?"


"Really? How come?"

"I don't know. I guess I'm just unlucky"

"Well. I think you are"

"I am?" you turn to look at her.

"yeah. She's right here" Nicole grabs your face and kisses you on the lips. Your heart explodes with the sudden surprise. Like a thousand people start screaming in your head with glee. Fuck I'm so glad Richards gone for a few days, Nicole thinking something just as similar. is this going too fast or too slow? They both thought while blushing intensely as Nicole let's go of you.

Holy shit that was crazy. I mean it was only a kiss but that really meant something! Like a cry for help.

"I'll uh... get dinner ready." Nicole nervously said.

"Sure, you do that." you reply, looking at the clock.

Damn. 5:00 already? Time really does fly when you're having fun. You chuckle to yourself.

"Anais, you can come out now!" Nicole yells from the kitchen. Not long after, you see anais come from downstairs.

"Oops, I never drank this." She came back to living room to grab her coffee from this morning. She poured it down the drain and put it in the soapy water to wash.

Gosh I'm bored as hell, I should help her do dishes at least. Unlike Richard, she works so hard.

"Let me help you." You say whilst entering the kitchen.

"Oh, how thoughtful. Richard would not dare touch the dishes." she giggles.

"I can imagine."

As you were done with the last grimey dish, Nicole had already put the prepared food in the oven.

"All done!"

"oh good, this is for helping me." Nicole kisses you on the cheek. Making you blush a little.

About 25 more minutes pass and the food is done and ready to be served.

"Kids! Food's ready!" she yells once again to gain the attention of her children while putting some on their plate. It was some rotisserie chicken with pasta salad.

All three ran to the dining room, mouths watering from what she made.

"Nah ah ah, Darwin."

"What, why?"

"You have a date with carrie, remember?"

"Oh yeah Mrs mom, how could I forget?" Darwin grins.

You all gather around to sit down and conversate about whatever you feel like talking about, jokes here and there, laughing off their days. Darwin was upstairs getting ready for his big date, putting on the best clothes he can find, green socks.

The time was 7 at last and everyone was finished eating.

"Ready to go?" Nicole says. She was wearing a red dress and a pair of earrings, making herself presentable.

"Yes Mrs. Mom."

"We'll be back... gumball and anais, be good. Call me if they give you any trouble, y/n," she says as she closes the door behind her.

"Hey, y/n. Wanna play some games?" gumball says, lacking a gaming buddy for the time being.

"Ah, why not. Let's do this!" you and gumball proceed to the living room to set the game system up. Anais as usual was doing gumball and Darwin's homework on the dining room table. Of course it was no contest for her, seeing how she can handle a bunch of complex work at her age. As you were playing the newest game of smash bros, you managed to beat gumball several times making him become toxic. Pf, what a baby. Then again, I rage at tiny things when playing counter strike.

"What?! I should have hit you there!!" Gumball yells.

"Hahaha, I think all this anger is getting to your head." you reply in a smart ass tone.

"UGH WHATEVER, I'll get you this game!"

Surprisingly he did.

"HA TAKE THAT SHIT!" Gumball caught himself since he remembered his mom getting onto him for cussing. He yips. "Please don't tell Mom!"

"Don't worry bud, your secret's safe with me. Just don't say it around her, ok?" you rub his head playfully, giving him the biggest smile of his life.

9 o' clock eventually rolls around and Nicole's forest green car pulls up in the driveway. With Darwin in the passenger.

The moon was pretty bright tonight, with a few wispy clouds hovering over Elmore.

The door opens. "We're back! Were gumball and anais good?

"Oh yeah! Gumball got mad when I was beating him on his game though, that's pretty much it."

"He wasn't cussing, was he?" giving gumball an assertive look

"Nah he was good"


"Hey dude, how was your date with carrie?" Gumball asks.

"It was awesome! I got to kiss her goodnight and everything!"

"That's great dude!"

Nicole, saying to herself. "If only Richard could do that"

"Well I guess it's time for bed everyone."

"Aw but mom. One more match?"

"No buts, gumball!"

You turn the game system off since you weren't gonna play with gumball anymore tonight. You turn off the light in the living room as well since the Wattersons were all calling it a day. You all headed upstairs, the kids heading to the your right to get in bed.

"you get to sleep with me tonight, honey " Nicole whispers in your ear. You blush lightly as her voice tingles down your spine. As they closed the door, she took your hand and headed to her bedroom. It was a fair size, with a regular sized bed and an orange blanket to accompany it. The dresser was on the right and Nicole's office on the other side of the bed. In front of the bed was a large flat screen tv with a phone hooked up to it. Nicole starts walking to the tv to turn it on to show Netflix on the screen

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