Chapter 1

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You awake from a memory foam mattress, groggy from staying up 'til 2 in the morning having colorful thoughts about the hard working, loving mother, Nicole Watterson. You turn over to check the time...

"7:30?!" you say to yourself in your head, usually waking up much later than this.

You decide to stretch your legs and turn over on the other side of the bed. It was a fairly large bed so you couldn't really complain about almost falling off while turning. You know you're not gonna just fall back asleep so you instead get up, although in reality you don't want to. Heading to the dresser you grab a pair of new boxers, regular fit jeans, a white shirt, and a red flannel.

You look in the mirror to fix your hair since today was special. Well, I hope. Saying in your head.

You leave your bedroom, heading downstairs.

"Eh, I don't need breakfast." you quietly say when going to the kitchen.

You grab yourself a cold one from the fridge and headed over to your computer chair.

"Another boring ass day." you sigh in exasperation.

Since there was nothing to do on the computer either, you scoot your chair over to the window to look outside.

There, you saw Gumball and Darwin just walking out of the Watterson house to catch the bus, followed by the bus pulling up the following street block.

"I remember the days, school days" you say, giving an annoyed look at the bus, in which Rocky happened to notice. He just smiled and waved as he proceeded his way onward to the school.

Not long after, Richard walks out of the door holding a suitcase of clothes and toiletries along with his wife behind him.

"You sure you have everything?" Nicole says as Richard was going to the family car to see his mother after a good long while.

"Uhhg.. yeah." Richard groans due to him already being tired by simply moving his feet down the walkway.

"Alright, be careful honey. Love you."

"Love you too."

"This is perfect! The kids are at school, Richard is gonna be gone for a few days. What could go wrong?" you shout. but not enough to where the neighbors can hear.

You crumble up your soda since you're finished and threw it away and leave the house with a confident trot walking towards the Watterson house. Looking both ways before crossing the street, duh.

You take a deep breath and give a light knock on the front door.

"Mom, someones at the door!" Anais says

"I got it!"

Footsteps are heard coming to the door. The door opens and there she was, as beautiful as ever.

"y/n! so good to see you!"

"Hey Nicole!"

Nicole leans in to give you a tight hug, embracing with a hug back.

"Err, please come in!"

You come in to sit on the couch, avoiding Richards signature dent on the end. Nicole not too long after joins you with a cup of coffee in her hand.

"anais go to your room please" Nicole says

"What? Why?!"

"because me and y/n want to talk... in private"

Anais groans as she takes daisy to her room upstairs.

A few minutes pass. Nicole decides to break the ice with an easy question.

"So. How are things? I really haven't had any time to spend with you cause of work."

"oh the usual. Just a little lonely is all"

"I know that feeling."

"yeah, but at least I get to spend time with you."

"Aww, how sweet of you."

Nicole smiles as she scoots closer to you

"I bet kids can be tough to take care of at times."

"Oh you don't even know the half of it!"

You and Nicole giggle.

"Speaking of that, how are you and Richard?"

Nicole's smile disintegrated as she looks into your eyes.

"honestly, it's miserable, y/n! All he ever does is sit around, get fat, and sleep! He never helps around the house and it takes me so long to get his attention!" Nicole starts to tear up. "Jeez Nicole, that's awful." You lean in to give her a hug as she gladly does the same. You hear her silently weeping on your shoulder. "I just want someone to make me happy again. Nobody wants to be my friend because of the way I live." she cries harder. You don't know what to say next, or if you should say anything at all. Her cries eventually subside and comes out of your shoulder, followed by a pause. "Sorry I broke down like that." She says with a raspy voice.

"No it's fine, I totally understand."

You start to lean on the couch. Nicole then starts to cuddle with you. SCORE!! You holler in your head.

"You don't mind do you?"

"Not at all... Do what you feel." You smile. She returns a smile back. An hour passes, and Nicole becomes a bit sleepy.

You look at the clock hanging on the wall. The time read 3:30PM. Oh shit, gumball and Darwin will be here any minute!

"Hey you wanna do something later. like watch a movie? puzzles?" I whisper.

"Sure. That would be nice" Nicole says softly having her eyes barely open as quiet purrs come from her.

Few minutes pass, and you hear the school bus pull up outside.

"uh Nicole, the school bus is here."

Her eyes shot open.

"Oh! Thanks for warning me, hone- I mean y/n!" She blushes.

You laugh. "its fine."

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