11. Mixed Signals

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"I'm sorry for everything"

I smiled nonchalantly, "It's in the past now."

And Just like that, We are back to normal at least that's what he thinks. I'm still thinking of my revenge, the heartbreak and pain I felt still lingers around. They said time can heal wounds but wounds this deep won't easily fade away. I haven't forgiven him fully. Deep inside I'm scared to confront him as to why he's said and done those terrible things to me.

"By the way," we said in unison which surprised me, what was he gonna say? I was too curious but he insisted that I go first.

"I hope your girlfriend won't mind us walking together" he looked at me surprised, well that was an unexpected reaction.

"What girlfriend? I don't have one" he replied, utterly confused

They're not together? I guess Jisoo Unnie was right!

Why do I feel a bit happy about that? I shove my thoughts away, "Oh. Sorry, I thought you and Somi are dating" I blurted,

"Everyone misunderstood what happened yesterday. She only gave me a cake that's it," he explained, Wow I didn't take him for a naive type. Is he that dense?

That's like confessing their love for someone. But anyway, They're not together. The plan shall proceed!

"What were you gonna say again?" I asked, I nearly forgot!!

"Oh, nothing... never mind!" He smiled,

What a bummer! I thought he was gonna say something important.

We reached the school and I saw Rosie waiting for me near the gate. I waved at her "Rosie!!"

Her eyes widen at the sight of us. "Mwo-ya?" she mouthed, as she walks towards us. "I'll leave you two now, I have to go straight to the teacher's office. See you guys later!" Sunho waved goodbye,

"Ya! Did I just see it right? You and Sunho? Walking together? Omo omo! I can't wait to tell Jisoo and Jennie Unnie!" she exclaimed,

"He apologised," I said and she was surprised, she covered her mouth with her hand and shook her head,



"Kim Sunho. Apologised? O.O"


"He did? To you? The Kim Sunho??"


"NO. WAY" she said, "Stop overacting! Getting you into drama club made you like a drama queen! Let's hurry or we'll be late!"

While we head to our class, I also mentioned to Rose about Sunho and Somi and she was amazed at how accurate Jennie and Jisoo were.

"I heard Dance club wants to recruit you!" Rosie mentioned I did get a message from them. Someone in their club saw me dance in the pageant.

"I haven't decided yet...I don't want to be the center of attention again!" I moaned,


Rumours of Sunho and Somi keeps ongoing. Knowing the truth behind it makes me want to tell everyone at school. Should I? Nah! They'd probably think I'm jealous or something...

"Hurry Lisa! We need to go before we ran out of food!" Rosie exclaimed as she took my hand and we ran our way to the cafeteria.

We reached the cafeteria and there's already a long queue ahead. "Aish! I hope there's still sweet potato left!" she moaned,

Luckily, there's enough food for all of us but all tables are taken. I scanned the cafeteria and looked for empty seats,

"Lisa!" Sunho called from afar, he was sitting with his friends but there's some empty seats on their table.

"Kaja!" Rosie exclaimed before I even protest. Sit with the basketball team? More like social suicide. Do we have a choice? Nope.

We walked our way to their table. Sunho patted the seat next to him, I sighed in defeat. Why did we end up here? "Are you alright?" he asked, I nodded my head in response.

I looked around us.


I knew it.

The 'fan' girls are glaring at us. Rosie who's enjoying her food seems to be unbothered by it.

"Ya... Is this really Lisa?"

"you're so pretty"

I smiled in return, I'll never get used to this. They never notice me before, is this what it feels like to be pretty? Sunho's friend beamed at me.

Wait a minute...What is this feeling? Feels like a bitch-radar is coming at us.

"Hey boys!" Somi greeted.

Of course, why wouldn't it be?

Recently, I've noticed that where Sunho is there's Somi. I don't know why she still acts like they're 'together' but they're not.

"Can you move?" she said, looking at me. I was going to move so she can sit next to Sunho, I don't know why I did it immediately when she said it. My body moved on its own but Sunho suddenly grabbed my wrist stopping me. He turned to Somi, she gasped at his reaction.

"Can't you see she's eating? Go sit somewhere else," he coldly said

I looked at him surprised. Not because he was being kind to me but he was glaring at Somi. I've never seen that look on his face. He's always calm and smiling. This side of Sunho was all new to me.

"Mwo-ya Sunho... You need to chill. You know I'm joking!" she said and playfully slap his shoulder.

"Somi! Sit here instead" one of his friends said,

"You didn't need to do that," I said to Sunho,

"I wanted to do it," he said.

It made me blush, not him making me confused again.

Aish! Why is he being like this?!


a/n: I can't believe my story is ranked #2 in Koreandramas and #7 in lisafanfic Omg! Thank you for reading my story! 

Hope you're doing well! Don't forget to vote and comment 

Much love,

Miss Bee x

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