We'll ask Remus to look into it this weekend.

What's this weekend?

Hogsmeade. Sirius wants us to follow Harry.

Castor's pen scratched across her page, and she cursed under he breath as she scribbled out her mistake and continued her notes. She didn't respond after that, but she didn't need to for Pollux to know how she was feeling. The anger and jealousy in her mind flared into his own thoughts before she took a deep breath and calmed down. Both twins ducked further into their notes, each of them trying to ignore the whirring of Professor Moody's false eye from the front of the classroom. Even though the ex-Auror was still facing the other direction, somehow they both knew he was watching them.


The day before the First Task, everybody seemed to be in high spirits. The excitement that awaited them the next morning kept most of them talking about who they thought would be most likely to win the first mystery challenge. Pollux tried his best to ignore it, but it was hard to ignore the constant whispers exchanged from behind books during class.

Professor Snape on the other hand, was not tolerating any talk of the tournament. More than once, he would whip around from the front of the class and remind them that they were to be working on their potions. During these times, Pollux made sure to keep his attention focused on his own cauldron. Even though Professor Snape was biased towards his own house, it did not mean he was against taking away house points when it called for it. His dark haired professor would then promptly turn his attention back to grading his various stacks of essays on his desk, and only towards the end of class would he walk about the room and comment on his student's work.

When the bell wrang to signal the end of the lesson, Pollux tucked his Potions textbook into his bag and met Harry in the Main Hall. Castor had this time period with the Weasley twins in Charms, and since Harry and Ron were still fighting, and Hermione being caught in the middle, Pollux liked to make sure that Harry didn't feel like he was alone. As Harry waved to Neville, Pollux pushed off the wall and began to walk along side his younger friend. Harry chose not to greet him verbally but gave Pollux a small nod in thanks. Pollux didn't need to hear his thoughts to know that he was becoming increasingly nervous about the First Task tomorrow.

As they walked through the courtyard, like they always did, Pollux noticed Crabbe, Goyle, and Zabini were hanging out underneath the large oak tree. And that usually meant his cousin was not far behind. Holding his head high and choosing not to look in their direction, Pollux did his best to distract Harry's attention from the pointing fingers of his fellow Slytherins in their emerald green lined cloaks.

"Castor says you did pretty well learning the Summoning Charm." He commented. Harry simply hummed at him, his attention focused across the courtyard, on a certain Weasley walking with Seamus and Dean. Harry quickened his footsteps. "Harry." Pollux called after him.

"You're a right foul git, you know that?" Harry spat at Ron. Seamus looked between the two friends, and then to Pollux, who had caught up to Harry.

"You think so?" Ron taunted.

"I know so."

"Anything else?" Ron looked between Harry and Pollux, and upon spotting the older boy his lip curled further in distaste. Of course you've picked his side. Ron's thought echoed loudly through his head, and Pollux scoffed, looking away from the Weasley boy because he had not picked anyone's side. Ron was just feeling overlooked and acting out unreasonably, and Pollux knew that. Which was why he'd chosen not to get in the middle of their little spat.

"Yea. Stay away from me!"

"Fine." Ron spat at him, and he pushed past Harry, knocking into his shoulder in the process. Seamus kept his head down and followed after him. Harry watched them walk away, and though he did his best to hide it, Pollux could see he missed his best friend.

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