Part 47: Trouble Man

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As he pauses, Bucky slowly begins to figure out what he's doing. He's not taking up the mantle, he's abandoning it.

"Symbols," Sam continues. "Are nothing without the men and women that give them meaning. And this thing... I don't know if there's ever been a greater symbol, but it's more about the man who propped it up. And he's gone. So, today we honor Steve's legacy, but also, we look to the future. Thank you, Captain America, but this belongs to you."

As Sam hands over the shield, Bucky's guts twist. Without a word, he turns on his heel and exits the building. As he approaches the door to the Smithsonian, he hears the unmistakable sound of Shannon's heels running after him.

"Bucky! Bucky, stop!"

He turns around, his face twisted with grief.

"I want to go home," he whispers.

"What do you --"


She nods.

"Okay, let's go back to the hotel room. I'll order us room service and we can talk."

He's quiet for the whole cab ride, but Shannon holds his hand, running her thumb across his knuckles. He swallows the lump in his throat and sighs softly as they reach the hotel. Shannon orders room service and they eat quietly while they watch TV. Finally, she turns to him, grabbing the remote and turning it off. Bucky groans.

"I was watching that!"

"Talk to me."

He sighs and sips his beer.

"After we defeated Thanos, Steve wanted to pass on the mantle of Captain America to someone he believed was worthy. He gave Sam the shield. He trusted Sam – no, believed in Sam –" Bucky chokes out the last words, standing up and pacing back and forth in front of the TV. "It's what Sam was supposed to do to honor Steve's legacy."

She's quiet, hands clasped on her lap. Bucky continues to pace, grief and rage bubbling in his chest.

"Bucky, if Steve gave the shield to Sam, then Sam can do whatever --"

"I know that, Shannon!" Bucky shouts, pacing around the room.

"Please don't speak to me like that."

Her voice comes out in a soft whisper, but he's not even listening.

"That shield is my only real, tangible connection to Steve. I loved Steve. I still love him, and that shield is the closest thing I've had to a family." Tears pool in his eyes and he swipes them away. "Steve never, ever gave up on me. He never gave up on anybody... and now that shield – my family – is just sitting in some fucking museum?! How am I supposed to feel about that?!"

Shannon is quiet for a long time.

"How do you think Sam feels about the shield?" Shannon asks.

"I know how he feels about it. Steve meant a lot to him too."

"I'm not talking about Steve," she replies. "I'm talking about what Steve represented."

"Wh –"

"Maybe you should talk to him instead of getting angry with me."

"I'm not angry with you, Shannon. I just don't understand how he could just give up that shield."

She shrugs.

"Maybe he doesn't want it. That shield might represent the American dream to some people, but to others it's just a dead symbol of a country that's left them behind... that's dishonored and disgraced them. American history isn't all shiny and clean, Buck. There's a lot of evil shit that's happened that we still have to talk about... that we don't talk about."

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