"alright. come back quick, okay? i want to meet mark so bad." the younger looked so adorable in his brown bear pajamas and messy hair in the morning. johnny waved goodbye and zoomed quickly with the car. donghyuck then went back inside the house to finally eat breakfast and freshen up. but before he could do that, he accidentally stepped on a piece of paper laying on the front porch. 

"eye donation? this must be the one who donated their eyes to me." he smiled to himself and picked it up, thinking maybe johnny had dropped it. he decided to shrug it off and hold it to bring it back to johnny's bedroom after taking a sip of cold water for refreshing. 

donghyuck choked on his water.

there on the paper, was written a name that was too familiar to be true. 

lee minhyung / mark lee.

just one name was enough for donghyuck to freeze and read it again. over and over, he read it for at least 20 times already and kept on seeing the same name. he couldn't believe his eyes. how could mark donate his eyes? if it was really him, then where is he now? can he see?

his body weaken as he leaned to the pantry of the kitchen, the glass of cold water splashed to the floor as the glass crashed into pieces. he knew his feet would be bloody at this point, but he didn't care. he had to call mark. 

'we're sorry, you have reached the number that has been disconnected or is no longer in service.' 

he dropped to the floor in his knees. what if something happened to mark? when will he comeback? is he in danger? is he... gone? 

blood was splattering everywhere around the kitchen floor as he heard a harsh knock on the door. 

"DONGHYUCK OPEN THE DOOR! NOW!" he knew it was johnny, coming back to get the papers. but his legs gave him up and all he could do is just cry, cry, and cry. 

"why did you lie to me!! uncle why..?" this time, donghyuck gathered up his strength and stood up to open the door, grabbing the now bloody paper with him. he fumbled with the keys and finally was able to open it, revealing a fuming johnny. 
"why!! why why why why! why, uncle..." he hit johnny's chest with all the remaining strength in his body and shook is head in disbelief. "mark is still in canada, right? he'll call me soon, right? uncle, tell me now. uncle!" 

"look at me, lee donghyuck." and that was enough for donghyuck to bring his eyes to the older, staring death glares into his eyes. johnny couldn't help but shake his head slowly and pull him into a hug. that was when donghyuck knew everything went wrong. 

"mark is gone, isn't he?" he said between his sobs but johnny didn't answer. he too was letting small tears out of his eyes, out of sorrow. the two stayed like that for a while, in each other's embrace. until johnny pulled away with a pity smile on his face, smiling filled with pain. but soon it was replaced into a face of worry. 

"what happened to you? hyuck, why are you all bloody like this?" 

"nothing matters anymore." he then took quick strides to go up into his room and lock himself inside it. he wasn't planning to go out. he wasn't planning to treat his open wounds, just washing it and letting the cold winter air hit it. he didn't want to eat breakfast either. his morning has been ruined greatly by something that broke him mentally, and now physically. 

he was brave and strong enough to bring himself to the restroom, switching on the lights and turning on the water in the sink. he looked down towards the sink and sigh, letting the tears fall again. 

"how could you, mark." he mumbled before looking up to the mirror in front of him and scrunched his face in disgust. 
"i should've stayed the way i am so you can stay with me."

he hated it. he hated how everytime he looked into the mirror, he felt as if mark was the one looking at him. his dark brown eyes that were always so captivating to him, those eyes that once looked at him with happiness, love, calmness, sadness, anger, and all other emotions, donghyuck had seen it all. he wanted to just crawl into the pit of darkness so that he won't have to see those beautiful captivating eyes of the older. 

he scrunched up his face and ran across his room to grab his pocket knife then going back into the restroom, opening it and pointing it to his eyes. mark's eyes. he stopped with the knife on his right arm, just about 1 centimeter left till it can bleed his eyes. but he can't. he just can't hurt mark like that. not when he saw it full of pain and sadness, as if mark was the one who looked at him like that in his condition right now, all bloody and wounded. 

will mark like him looking like that? 

he placed the knife down, his hands trembling greatly as he started to cry again. oh how he wanted to just rewind the time and hold mark back. 

if only he had stopped him.

if only he wasn't a burden to him.

if only he was kinder to him when they met again.

if only he loved him more.

if only he didn't go out during a migraine.

if only... he didn't meet mark.

he and mark wouldn't have suffered this way. would they?

a few weeks after donghyuck's recovery, his eyes were getting more and more comfortable. he was getting better metally and physically too. although sometimes he thought that mark had been stupid to give his eyes to someone like him. he knew then that mark had loved him ever since, it's just that he was too blind to notice. well, he was blind. 

donghyuck started to accept everything. mark being gone, mark's eyes as his, and mark breaking his promise. yes, mark broke two promises already. but he didn't let it bother him anymore. 

everything started to get normal again. donghyuck went back to school and hung out a lot with his friends. he was back as the representative of the class and everyone accepted him easily. he was happy and remembered mark as a part of him; mentally, memorial, and physically. 

"hey hyuck, here's something for you." johnny handed his nephew an envelope tightly sealed. 

"what is it?"

"just open it when you get to your room. i'll be in the living room if you need me." donghyuck nodded, although still confused. he climbed up the stairs to his room and closed the door behind him before throwing his bag beside his desk and plopping himself on his bed. he ripped open the white cover and pulled out a simple yet neatly written note. for him. 

just when he read the first sentence, tears already fought to release out of his eyes. he started sobbing as he read further and can't seem to finish it in a short time. he battled with his feeling whether or not to finish the letter that seems like it would only hurt him for good. but in the end, he finished reading it with a small smile on his face. his face was wet with tears and snot, but that didn't matter. 

mark had been someone special in his life. although he may regret that he just let mark go like that so simply, he knew that mark was with him and will be with him forever until the end. because everytime he take a look at himself in the mirror, he could see mark that will stay with him.


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