[ one ]

615 28 0

- december 2013, winter

"donghyuck! donghyuck!" the faint sound of the familiar voice called to him as his shoulders shook violently, making him snap into reality.
"hyuckie? you okay?" it called out to him again. this time his eyes focused on the young man in front of him.

"uncle johnny." donghguck said and hugged his 18 year old uncle.

johnny suh, his half uncle who his grandparents adopted when his mother's family had a hard time having a second child. donghyuck's mother was suppose to have a real uncle. but due to some hardships, the baby wasn't delivered well and was born premature which sadly lead to its death.

"you'll stay here and i'll pick you up when i can okay? be good and don't make a mess when i'm gone." johnny sighed as he hugged the younger boy. he had to experience harsh things at a very young age, 13 to be exact. donghyuck just smiled and nodded. the two bid goodbye and donghyuck was led to a warm room with a bunk bed and a small air conditioner that's now functioning as a heater for the cold weather.

"this is your room, donghyuck. your roommate will come soon, alright? i hope you'll enjoy your time here and make yourself feel like home." the young lady in a soft maroon long sleeved shirt and black pants patted his head lightly and placed his on the lamp table beside his bed. he immediately marked the bottom bed so his roommate, who's to come, won't take it.

"thank you, miss." donghyuck shyly said while kicking his legs continuously as he sat on the bed.

"you're always welcome, dear. and please, call me miss wendy if you're comfortable with it." the woman chuckled when donghyuck nodded with a giggle. the door then closed and the boy laid back on his bed, eyes staring straight to the wooden piece that's holding the top bed up.


"donghyuck! don't get close!"



"911 what's your emergency?"

"hello? my step sister got into an accident! please come quickly!"

"donghyuck, stay close to me."

"will mom be okay?"

"we have an emergency patient from an accident in the house complex. quick!"

"everything's going to be fine."





. . .

"donghyuck my dear. i love you."

"hey." a cold but comforting unfamiliar voice snapped him open from the day dreaming he had about the traumatic day that ended his mother's life. 
"if you're going to cry, at least have a shoulder to cry on." donghyuck looked up in curiosity as he saw a boy that's older than him, perhaps just by a little. he looked older than his age. he wore a simple black collared-shirt with white shorts that's just above his knees by half an inch. his hair was neatly combed, making it look soft and ruffle-able. his figure was a taller than donghyuck, though not much but still caused him to look up to take a look of the older. 

the boy was right, donghyuck needed a shoulder to cry on. and so he immediately stood up and grab a hold of the taller's arm, starting to sob onto the fabric of the boy's collared shirt. he heard the latter sigh and felt his arm raising and going down, hesitating whether or not to pat the smaller boy. in the end he did, and even turned around to hug the stranger in front of him who is now his roommate. 

"better?" the older asked with his still straight face that got donghyuck intimidated but nodded nonetheless. 

"thank you..."

"mark." the older answered simply, knowing he should at least let the boy address him with a name. donghyuck scrunched his nose to giggle when he heard the foreign name. 

"like question mark?" he spoke in his broken english which earned a small groan from the other who started unpacking. donghyuck just laughed out loud at his own joke. he knew that it was his first day meeting the new boy ms. wendy was talking about. but he felt comfortable already being around the older. 

"i like you, mark." donghyuck stated with his soft voice and wrapped his arms around mark's waist from the back, stiffing mark into place. the two stayed in that position for a bit, mark knowing that donghyuck would most likely protest at the loss of contact between the two. 

"i guess i like you too." and with that very successful first meeting as roommate best friends, the two's bond strengthen just like that. and people may wonder, 'how do they get along so quickly? did the two just become friends when they just met for a few minutes?' and yes they did, but if mark was to answer, he would say that it was all thanks to donghyuck. 


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