"This castle would not only be your home this year, but home to some very special guests as well" Dumbledore said making the students looked at each other

"You see Hogwarts has been chosen.." Dumbledore stopped when Filch began to whisper something to him

"So Hogwarts has been chosen, to host a legendary event" Dumbledore continued as Filch ran back

"The Triwizard Tournament" Dumbledore informed, the students looked at each other in shock and confusion

"For those of you who do not know,the Triwizard Tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical contests. For each school a single student is selected to compete"

"Now let me be clear if chosen, you stand alone and trust me when i say these contests are not for the faint-hearted. But more of that later" Dumbledore explained

"And now please join me welcoming the lovely ladies of the Beauxbatons Academy Of Magic" The door of the great hall opened causing the students to look at the door

And there they saw the students of Beauxbatons. All the girls walked so gracefully and their aura made all the boys and girls and non-binaries melt down in awe.

Aven looked at Sirius who's looking at the girls. She saw one of the girls winked at him and she saw Sirius smirked. She wasn't sure what she's feeling. Well it's more about why she feels this way. Is it jealousy? Is it her insecurity popping out again? She didn't even notice when the
headmistress walking passed, since she was too occupied with her feelings.

As the girls kept walking, butterflies flew out of them making the students go crazy even though they already know it's magic. As the Beauxbatons girls bowed down everyone clapped. Sirius even stood up. The only one who wasn't effected by the girls were only James who kept staring at Lily.

"And now our friends from the north please great the proud sons of Durmstrang!" Dumbledore exclaimed

The students looked back to the door and there they saw the students of Durmstrangs holding a walking stick. They did a choreography with their stick. Their ways of arriving is completely different from Beauxbaton's and that's obvious. Every student looked at them.
Some were terrified, some were definitely attracted.

Sirius looked at Aven who had a huge smile on her face. Unlike Aven he knew what was feeling. Jealousy. He saw a boy winking at Aven and he clenched his fist trying to calm down.

The walking sticks hit the floor making little sparks of fire. They ran and started doing flips and tricks.

After the school got introduced they all started eating dinner. Aven and Sirius played with their food not having the appetite to eat.

While they were eating a huge golden tower-like were brought by Filch and some other people.

"Your attention please" Dumbledore stood up

"I'd like to say a few words"

"Eternal glory" Dumbledore held the golden tower

"That is what awaits the students who
wins the Triwizard Tournament. But to do this, that student must survive three tasks"

"Three extremely dangerous tasks" He added

"Wicked" Fabian and Gideon said at the same time

"For this reason, the Ministry has seen fit to impose a new rule. To explain all this we have the head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation,
Mr.Bartimaeus Crouch" Dumbledore explained and Crouch stepped up

"After due consideration,the Ministry has concluded that for their own safety no students under the age of 16 shall be allowed to put forth their name for the Triwizard Tournament. This decision is finale" Barty said slightly nervous because he knew that some students would complain

"THAT'S RUBISH" Fabian and Gideon yelled which caused Aven to look at them im confusion

"You do know that you're old enough to enter right?" Aven furrowed her eyebrows at the twins

"Yeah but we feel for the younger students too" The two of the replied while Aven just laughed

"SILENCE!" Dumbledore exclaimed

The golden tower dissolved into a goblet and suddenly a blue fire lit up from the goblet.

"The Goblet of Fire"

"Anyone wishing to submit themselves to the tournament need only write their name upon a piece of parchment and throw it in the flame before this hour on Thursday night" Dumbledore informed

"Do not do so lightly. If chosen there's no turning back"

"As from this moment the Triwizard Tournament has begun"

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