"What could be more important than this conversation? What's more important than us?" Jalen questioned.

Noelani gave Jalen a defeated expression at his words. He had the awful habit of oversimplifying solutions to problems and Jalen using that ability in this conversation was truly draining Noelani of her patience.

Thankfully, before Noelani said something that she wouldn't be able to take back, her cell phone began to ring from where she had put it down close to the toaster before cooking.

"Excuse me," Noelani said as she turned her back to Jalen to answer the call, "Hello?"

"Hi, Noel." Dr. Montgomery's voice came from the other end, "I know that today is your off day but there's this poor golden retriever and Erin is still out sick and-."

"Say no more. I'm on my way." Noelani tried not to sound too relieved with Jalen still in the room. She whirled around on her heel, "I gotta go to work."

Jalen kissed his teeth, "Right. Of course, you do."

Noelani tucked both lips in as she stuck her phone in her pocket then walked closer, "It's not a no. It's a 'let me sleep on it'." She subtly pushed the still full plate of food his way, "You should eat something."

Jalen gripped her wrist, forcing Noelani to stop in her tracks, "Promise you'll think about it?"

"Yes." Her answer was shortened by Jalen once again pecking her lips. Before another makeout session could commence, Noelani plucked her car keys off of the table and speed walked out of her former home.

After checking on her daughter and pets, a quick shower, and a clothing change, Noelani parked her car outside of the veterinarian clinic she worked at. The waiting room was crowded like usual with various cats, dogs, and the occasional rodent stuck in a cage.

Noelani passed by all of the patients, tugging her red curls into a bun as she did so.

"I am so sorry that I am late. I had to check on my kid and-. Nimari?" Noelani answered as she stepped into the examination room.

Nimari, her best friend from high school, was sitting on the side where the patient's owners usually waited for results. Dr. Montgomery was occupied with the golden retriever puppy laying on the metallic examination table but looked up when Noelani made her arrival.

Nimari in the meantime had scrambled up from his seat, his facial expression laced with surprise "Noel? Noel! What are you doing here?"

"I work here!" Noelani gestured to her scrubs.

"I take it you two know each other?" Dr. Montgomery cut in with a dry chuckle.

Nimari averted his gaze from Noelani at the question and she rubbed the back of her neck a bit, now feeling a little awkward.

Truth be told, Noelani and Nimari hadn't spoken much since her second year of college due to Jalen showing signs that he was a little threatened with how close the two were and if she was continuing to think candidly if Jalen hadn't been in the picture and Nimari had made a move back then...

"Yeah, um," Noelani released a quiet laugh, "We went to high school together," She turned her attention to the puppy on the table, "What's wrong?"

"Stiffness, she doesn't wanna play, limps a little bit." Dr. Montgomery replied, moving aside a little to allow Noelani to be close.

"Hip dysplasia?" Noelani inquired after a second of thought.

"Ah," Dr. Montgomery agreed, before withdrawing her stethoscope, "I'm gonna write you a prescription for large growth food. It should help with not stunting her growth."

Nimari stepped cautiously towards the two women to scoop the animal into his arms, "Thank you."

"Can you call the next patient?" Dr. Montgomery asked, her eyes still placed on her clipboard.

"Of course," Noelani answered before opening the door.

"It's been a while," Nimari noted as the pair stopped right outside the examination room.

"Three years." Noelani assented, "I would love to stay and chat but..." She wordlessly lifted a hand to the still noisy waiting room.

"No, that's okay. We should definitely catch up sometime." Nimari said as he readjusted the animal on his shoulder.

Noelani let a smile form on her face, "Yeah. For sure."

Nimari smiled back and then headed towards the two double doors that led to the parking lot as Noelani released a whisper, "Whew."

"This is gonna be a long ass day."

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