I spoke to my wolf a week ago. It took me two weeks to finally be able to connect with her. Bane took me out into the woods with me sitting on top of his wolf as he ran through the woods. I felt alive again. Last week, Bane and I went out in our wolf forms and let ourselves out. We ran as far as we can and as fast as we can.

My wolf is still feeling guilty for not being able to help. She felt better when she went out with Bane's wolf. Bane said that his wolf has been at unease since the war and that being with my wolf has made him feel better. We have missed each other.

Since past few days all the members in the house are being as gentle and helpful as they can with me and Alika. We are having breakfast, lunch and dinner together. Alika only came out of the room because James asked her to. She wouldn't say no to anything even if she doesn't like. She sat down on the floor the first day at the dining table and it shocked us all. It was all Derek's affect.

After that incident, Bane went rampage. He wanted to kill Derek over and over again, but he is already dead. James has been as patient as he can be. Once Alika sleeps at night, he goes out into the woods in his wolf form and let's out his frustration. I can't even imagine the lengths of hurt and anger James must be feeling. Seeing your mate like that will break you.

Few mornings, I see Bane and James talking. I was surprised to see Bane being so relaxed and open with other person other than me. They look like friends. I smile at the thought. Bane made a friend.

Jack has been on alert and was going to with his everyday duties. He is helping Bane have extra time to spend at home. Josh was put in cell, but I asked Bane to release him. His brother was at Derek, being tortured. Maybe I would have done the same if I was in his position. Josh risked his brother's life and his to get me out of there. It was not his intention to hurt me. I have to understand that.

Josh and his brother came to visit me two weeks ago. Derek has injected that little kid, Robby, with Resistor too. How can he do that? He is a little kid. Going through such kind of things at that age will leave a huge scar on his psychologically. Robby did open up a little to me. He doesn't hide behind his brother when he sees me. He gave me a candy, when he last saw me. I shared it with him.

Josh found his brother on the tree that I put him on after the war. Today, I have invited Josh, Robby and Jack, out Beta, for lunch. We are getting everything ready. I am working in the kitchen. Mom didn't want me to, but sitting ideally is only making me think of Derek, the war, Alika and I don't want to think about all that. So, here I am helping mom. Bane has been out to make a run. He will be back in ten minutes.

I set the plates on the table and bring the food items to the table.

"We are set." I say as I put the last dish on the table. Mom is in the kitchen. Micheal comes to me and looks at the dishes.

"So, which one did you cook?" He asks.

"The pasta." I say cheerfully pointing it. He just nods his head and looks at other items. We hear footsteps and I knew from the scent that it's Bane. "Bane's here!" I turn around to find him. He must be coming back from the pack office. He looks fresh. He is wearing black shirt green shorts. He runs his hand through his hair. He looks so sexy! He looks at me and smirks. Guess he heard me. I blush.

With all that's happening. We still haven't done anything... physically. Okay! We didn't have sex! I am ready, but the atmosphere around us needs to be better. Bane is already under a lot stress with what happened. He comes to us and I hug him.

"Lunch is ready." I say.

"Nice. I missed you." He says leaning down to kiss my forehead. I breathe in his scent. I blush as I see Mom smiling at us. She is right behind Bane. "Josh and Robby will be here in a few minutes."

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