You've Never Been The Kindest

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It's the next morning. Tanqr's put on his mask, and he's heading downstairs with Kreek.

"We're going to the Magius base today." Kreek reminds him. He's up and early, as usual. "And we're gonna kick their butts."

"You've recovered quickly." Tanqr comments.

"That's a bold claim." Kreek responds, ever smiling. "Yo, can I ask you a question?"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." He's starting to get annoyed with the pestering now.

"Why do you wear your mask all the time? We know what your face looks like, we've seen it before."

Tanqr just glared at Kreek for a second, who doesn't seem to grasp why.

"Really, dude?"

"What? I'm asking a question."

Tanqr sighs. He hates that one fact. The fact that Kreek can ask whatever he wants, and he will always get an answer.

"I just don't like my face, Kreek. Plus it's more comfortable."

"Oh." Kreek mumbles something under his breath.

"What did you just say?!" Tanqr steps back, offended.

"I didn't say anything!" Kreek puts his hands in the air, but he's giggling.

"Everything okay, guys?" Hyper asks, abruptly appearing from the kitchen.

"Yes, we're fine, Hyper. KreekCraft is just being an assh-"


"Right." Hyper nods, chuckling. He's used to these two's bickering. At least it's not as bad as before. Not cut-throat fighting anymore. That could be terrifying when it occurred.


"And could you guess it?" Tanqr commented, the contempt unmistakable in his voice. "You're useless to us. You're a liability."

"Oh, says you!" Kreek responds, almost yelling. "You're the one who no one wanted in the first place. Isn't that why you left Arsenia? Because no one wanted you there?"

"Don't you dare." Tanqr raised his voice slightly. "Don't you fuckin' dare."
"Aw, did I touch a nerve there?" Kreek mocks, smirking a little. "It's not my fault everyone hates you. They should've gotten rid of your sorry ass earlier."
"SHUT IT! You were just as willing to ruin my life! YOU'RE NO BETTER THAN I AM!"


Hyper gets a slight shiver down his spine at the thought. They're ruthless when they want to be.

Kreek and Tanqr glare at each other for a second, before they decide to move on.

It's pretty much all small talk from there on out, with the group refusing to mention the events that happened yesterday. They'd rather not.

Until Kreek stands up.

"We're still raiding the Magius today. So get ready."

Hyper sighs.

"Oh boy. Aren't we at least going to prepare?" He asks, mumbling a little.

"Of course! Do you think I'm stupid, Hyper?" Kreek gives Hyper a weird look, to which he shakes his head.

"NoO-" His voice wavers a little, intimidated. "Just making sure you've thought through what we're doing."

"Ah, I see. Though, you will be quite important to this mission, so you might want to save your energy." Kreek winks.

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