Cherry Lips!

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**Authors' POV**

Jin was just done working out in the gym when Namjoon walks in bringing a water bottle and a towel for him.

"You're working out too much sir, it's already evening." Namjoon said while handing the water bottle and towel to him.

Jin takes it and starts to drink water while wiping the sweat on his face. He then sits on a chair to relax.

"What choice do I have. I have to live up to someones' expectation." Jin said while making an insincere smile.

"Sir, if your father could see how much you improved this past few weeks I'm sure he-..."

"He what? Acknowledge my presence? and love me as his son?"

Jin said interrupting Namjoon while making an incredulous look on his face.

"Sir..." Namjoon answered with a concerned expression.

"Just forget it Namjoon..." Jin said.

"But how long are you gonna keep this a secret?" Namjoon asked.

"I am not keeping any secret. My father chooses to look away from my direction. Let him continue to think that I am clumsy and weak. Since I am too lazy to do the dirty works for him."

Jin said as he stare outside of the window.

"I understand sir." Namjoon replied.

"So what is my schedule for tomorrow?" Jin asked while turning his head to face him.

"There is a meeting that you need to attend with your dad and brothers sir." Namjoon answered.

"Oh is it tomorrow?" Jin continued to ask.

"Yes sir." Namjoon replied.

"HUH! How funny we are all living in one house but we only got to see each other once a month. I really wonder if we are really a family." Jin thought to himself while looking down on the floor.

"Sir?" Namjoon calling for Jin.

"Yeah?" Jin answered.

"Are you alright sir?" Namjoon asked looking all worried.

"Yes, I am fine you may go now." Jin ordered him to.

Namjoon walks out of the room, he sees Jin crying before he closed the door and walks away. While walking in the hallway he suddenly stops and leans against the wall. It hurts for him to see Jins' crying face.

"I wish someday you will be able to find your happiness." Namjoon mumbled.

The sound of the alarm clock wakes up Namjoon from his slumber. He squirms and stretches within his cozy and warm bed. He get off his bed and went for a shower.

"I can't believe I dreamt about the past." He thought while feeling the cold water runs down on his body.

After getting ready for work he went straight to Jins's room to check on him. Before he opens the door he suddenly remembers the past where Jin was attempting suicide by trying to hang himself. He shakes off the thought and opens the door.

"Sir, good mor-..."

Namjoon was surprised when someone hugs him out of nowhere. He look down and saw Jimin burying his face against his chest.

"Namjoon-ah...your master is so rude." Jimin complained while sniffing Namjoon's chest.

"You b*tch get back here. Don't use my butler as your human shield." Jin shouted.

My best friend and I got reincarnated as villainsWhere stories live. Discover now