Is james cheating?

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Hello i'm baaaaaaaaaaack. Btw the art is something my friend made enjoy lol.

James pov

We were going back to school it's been a week since we have gone to the hospital but there is one thing that bothers me: no one knows why Lucas fainted, they did lots of test but nothing came out positive they've even tried corona even tho he's vaccinated.

We needed to be early because well it's Tuesday so we need to be here around 40 minutes earlier.

*time skip to class*

We were in class, Lucas looking at me the whole time, when Lucas was called out to repeat what the teacher said with another student.

"uhmm so you need to you know uhhhmm....." Lucas said still looking at me.

"So what did they do wrong?" The teacher asked.

"They didn't look at the class." someone answered.

"Actually i was looking at James...." I accidentally said.

I heard 3 gay girls giggle at that, one of those girls was the girl that's always giggles when gay shit happened. (Who could they be?????)


??? pov (thought they weren't going to show up now did you?)

'And now i need to keep an eye on THEM?! ugggghhh this is so booooriiiiiing' I thought as i looked at the security cameras, when i got a phone call.

'this better not be Qwuin again' "Hello?" I said.

"Hello! It's me." The voice on the other line said.

"Master J-Joker." I said they're code name.

"Hello Supafo.........." The voice said.

*3 minutes later*

"Okay bye!" Supafo said.

'Now to finally watch them- Hey! Where are they?' I thought not seeing them anymore looking for them.

'Why everytime i look away for 5 minutes they are suddenly gone? TELL ME WHY?' I thought very *very* calmly.


James pov

I did a letter in the bag of Lucas saying that i need to talk to him, finally he came to the boys bathroom.

"What's the matter?" Lucas asked nervously.

"Can you stop looking at me for 5 seconds in class?" I asked.

"5 seconds, yeah probs yes." He said.

"I mean- you have been staring at me the whole time can you stop please or else people are gonna find out!" I exlaimed.

"Jammy, please calm down." Lucas said blushing after he registered what he said.

"J-j-j-jammy???" I asked stuttering blushing furiously.

"Y-yes, i-i-it's a-a nickname f-for you." Lucas stuttered out.

"ANYWAY, about looking at me." I said with a small blush.

"Yes! I-i'll try! You're just too cute!" Lucas said flirting with me.

I blushed so much more. I thought i was gonna pass out again.

"Uhmm, let's go back to class and please don't stare at me." I said.

"Okay." Lucas said somberly.

*time skip to the last class A.K.A it's 11:20 am*

Lucas pov

I was sitting down in class when i suddenly noticed something.

'IS JAMES SITTING WITH NICOCRA?' I thought jealousy washing over me.

I stare daggers at Nicrocra, trying to rid myself of this jealousy. So what did i do easy! Try to listen what others are saying, but i quickly didn't need to do that because soon i heard laughing.


Then the teachers said that you can go home.

I was going home but one thought hit me 'Is Jammy cheating on me' i thought/asked myself


Supafo pov

I finally found them they were sitting somewhere in class when i noticed something special.

"Wait is Lucas's jealous?" I asked myself.

'Wait what if just because James is sitting with someone else Lucas thinks he's cheating on him.

I quickly pulled out my phone to call Joker.


And that was everything for chapter 5.
We finally now what supafo name is sorta....
:0 638 WORDS!!?!?!?!??!?!

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