It was a what?!

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Hace seems to have figured something out....


Hace pov

I was looking at the body when i suddenly noticed something....
'IT'S A ROBOT?! Well that can explain the gender change the one who made it must've thought that through gender change nobody would regonize them.'

Then i noticed something else....a bomb?! I also noticed the that it didn't have a timer but a sensor meaning that it was programmed to explode if something or someone made contact with it.

"Well i know it wasn't Jadelina or her friend that takes out 2.... I have a growing suspicion that it's James and Lucas." I said talking to myself beginning to decode the bomb.


James pov *at school*

"Uhmmmm....Where's Nicrocra?" A student asked.

"Honestly no idea." The teacher said "He and Qweses are not going to school anymore it's strange..."

Yes it is. Qweses came in on her first day but after a week she suddenly disappeared. Nicrocra disappeared too.....Do any of these events have a connection or something?

"Hey Lucas." I said.

"Hey James." Lucas said.

"Do you think Nicrocra and Qweses's dissapearence have something in common?" I asked.

"Well... now that i think about it...." He said looking at Jadelina.

"They both spoke to Jadelina a few hours before they dissapeared even though they never spoke to her before." Lucas said.

"That is quite suspicious...." I said.

'Maybe we need to get more information about Jadelina.' I thought.


Jadelina pov

I got a text by Supafo. It said something about someone trying to kill my beloveds. I asked if they knew who tried but they didn't know that either.

Well i'm so gonna kill those bitches. But i guess that's gonna be a little difficult i mean they made a robot with real skin and blood and almost everything.


Guys i'm running out of ideas. Help me.

331 Words? The word count number is becoming smaller and smaller.....

Hey chapter 13 in english class wow amazing.

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