Chapter One

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Adeen sat in the front seat with her head propped on her hand. She stared out the window and watched as buildings and cars flew by. Her eyes were filled with dread and lack of ethusiasm. She was being temporarily assigned to the Naval Criminal Investigative Services (NCIS) in Washington DC to work as an agent. Adeen wasn't really excited about this mission. She hated busy cities for one, was on of the top agents in SHIELD and they were sending her to people who thought they knew everything, and she knew no one. It was kind of like that new kid to school scenario. Adeen had gone through that too many times in her life already. Maybe she would have liked the mission if it involved the south or some small town, but she knew she had to deal with it. She only began to worry on how people would react if they found out what she really was. A mutant with many gifts that parents told thier children at night to scare them. She sighed heavily, wishing she was anywhere but here.

Phil glanced over at her from the driver's seat as he drove through DC traffic. He was one of the few people who actually cared about Adeen and thought she wasn't a monster. He sighed quietly, knowing she was hating every moment of the counsel's decision. If it were up to him or Fury, they wouldn't be on their way to the Navel base dropping Adeen off. He hated seeing her like this and having to drive her there, but he was under strict orders. Phil stared out the windshield as raindrops began to streak the glass. He flipped on the wipers and tried to think of something to try and cheer Adeen up. She sighed again and looked at him.

"Are we almost to my three months of Hell yet?"

Phil sighed and grinned. A chuckle escaped from behind his lips because of her bitterness towards the whole mission and because of the way she phrased her few statements. She glared at him, trying to force back the smile that was beginning to appear. Phill looked over at her to speak face to face for a moment.

"Five more minutes, drama queen." he teased, giving her a playful smile.

"He looked forward again as Adeen rolled her eyes. She folded her arms across her chest and slumped in her seat. She wasn't trying to be a drama queen, but she really just hated this mission. She had to pose as an agent to hlep with anything the team she was recruited to needed helping with. The only problem with this was she couldn't use her super strength. The board didn't want people to be freaked out by a mutant. Especially wandering around the nations captial. 

"You know if it was up to me or Nick, you wouldn't have to do this mission." Phil explained to her. 

Adeen sighed and closed her eyes, laying her head back against the head rest. She knew it was going to be a long three months, but she did look on the brightside of it. She didn't have to see or hear her lying and cheating ex-boyfriend, Tony Stark, for three months. That was the only true brightside. She was still unsure what team she was assigned to. She hoped it was a damn good team or all Hell was going to be unleashed.

"Yeah, I know...I guess I'll survive..."

"Will it make you feel better if I told you whose team you were recruited with?" Phil hopefully asked, praying this would cheer her up.

"Sure..." Adeen tiredly answered, staring out the windowshield.

"You are assigned to Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs." Phil told her. 

Adeen's eyes widened as she whipped her head to the side, gaping at Phil. Her mouth hung slightly open. Leroy Jethro Gibbs was one of her absolute heroes. She had heard so many stories about him in the Marine Corps as a Lieutenant Captain. Special Agent Gibbs was one of her idols and she finally was going to meet him. Phil glimpsed over at Adeen with his peripheal vision and began laughing lightly. 

"You should see the look on your face fight now." he teased her, giving her a small smile.

Adeen's face went red as she slumped down in her seat.

"You guys are always so mean to me..." She quietly admitted with a hint of teasing in tone. 

"You know we love you, Lash." Phil told her.

They pulled up to the guard station and showed the two marines their ID. When they got through with that, Phil pulled up into a parking spot, putting the car into park. He looked over at Adeen, who was reaching into the backseat to get her satchel.

"Your bags are already at Agent David's house." Phil explained to her.

Adeen smiled lightly and nodded. She hadn't seen Ziva in awhile and was looking forward to seeing one of her best friends for awhile. That was another bright side to this whole trip. She would rather be back in New York at the moment instead of here, but...orders are orders.

"Thanks, Phil. I appreciate it."

"Not a problem and remember, fi you have a problem, call me, even if it is just to talk."

Adeen smiled at this and opened the car door. The rain dopped onto her lightly tanned skin. She looked back at Phil after she got out of the SUV. Her curly brown hair was beginning to get wet where her hair wasn't cealed by her ball cap she had on.

"I will, thanks Phil. I'll see ya in three months or less."

She shut the door behind her, waving slightly at him before running towards the building in the now pouring rain. Phil waved back and waited until she entered the building. Once she disappeared behind the black-tinted windows, he put the car into reverse and drove away.

~*~Author's Notes~*~ Hey, guys! How'd ya'll like the new story? :) I hope ya'll enjoyed! I have quite a few ideas for this story. >:) Again, thank you for reading, hope you enjoy. Vote, fan, comment, PM, tell me how you like the story. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2013 ⏰

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