"Avery, how are you feeling?" He asked while walking. Instead of answering his question, I just replied with a yawn and pretended to sleep on his shoulder.

He seemed to understood that I'm too tired to talk, that's why he remained silent even until he tucked me into my own bed.

"Good night my little Avery... May your dreams be filled with sweetness..." Gently placing a kiss on my forehead and assuring that I am comfortable, he left my room. I only know it since I heard it closing and someone just put its weight on my chest.

"I'm hungryyyyy," Adolphus whined as he tried waking me up by tickling me on my neck. I have no choice but to open my eyes to get up and reach over the nearby drawer to get a piece of candy. Hearing the sound of the unwrapping plastic, Adolphus immediately flew in front of me before opening his mouth. A hint that he wanted to be fed.

I smiled before putting the sweet treat into his mouth. He seemed pleased as he finished it quickly and began opening his mouth once again. I gave him another one and he seemed to be full as he started to fly towards my pillow and began to sleep.

Putting a small blanket over him and whispered a "Good night," it was late for me to notice that I sleep to oblivion...

I opened my eyes and noticed everything around me was burning... I tried to move and shout for help but my body refuses to do so.

Instead, I could feel the heat of the fire and the piercing pain on my leg. Which caused me to suffer and cry.

'Please... please, somebody save me...' I pleaded in my mind.

I don't want to die


I'm begging somebody...

I want to live and survive

Please, save me...

I have to go to school. Jake's waiting for me. I promised him that I'll attend today's classes. I want to hear his voice one last time before I---

"Avery? Avery, wake up!"

I jolted myself awake and was breathing heavily.

Did I just got a nightmare from my death from my past life?

My mind was still in a turmoil but what made it even worse when someone suddenly embraces me. "I'm glad that you're okay, Avery... You were crying in your sleep," Adrien cried before hugging me tighter in his arms. But the way on how he called me felt different.

"I'm okay, Felix..." Shock was evident on his eyes when he looked at me, at the same time he was confuse.


I smiled at his reaction. "Your hug is different from Adrien's," He seemed to be unconvinced with my explanation that's why I decided to continue. "Both of your hugs are filled with worry but the way on how you both comforted me is different. Adrien would only hug himself tighter into my arms, while yours was caressing my back and hair."

He just sigh in defeat and began to hug me again in his arms as he played with my hair for a bit. "I thought that it'll take at least a day before someone would figure out that I'm not Adtien..."

"You may two look alike, but you're still you." I comforted him, causing the both of us to become silent.

It calming especially the fact that Felix is still trying his best to comfort me.

I hoped that this would last forever, but I'm already aware about the future.

"Avery, are you already calm?" Loosening his hug, Felix went to see my face. I just simply answered with a nod. "If you really are, care to tell me about your nightmare? You know, to lessen the fear that you've felt woth it because I heard you screaming and crying for help. It pains my heart hearing and seeing you in that state, Avery... It's painful. Please? You're a special person to me. Let me help you..."

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