Chapter 1

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Whoever fights monsters should see to it that they do not become monsters in the process. At least, that's what my mother used to say before she was murdered by one.

The thought consumed me as Pops led me to the small townhouse of the latest victim in a series of animal attacks targeting teenage boys.

"Henry Gilbert," my brother said, briefing me before we reached the door, "five-foot-nine, one hundred and eighty-five pounds. On his way home from football practice, he was attacked by some sort of animal."

I listened intently, my heart beating a thousand miles per hour. We'd arrived only an hour ago in this desolate town called Windfall. Pops and Roary rarely allowed me to go on new hunts without them investigating first, and it was only because I could enter the home as a doctor and not a Huntress that they allowed me to do so now. "What kind of animal?"

"We're not sure. That's where you come in."

I smiled. My mother's greatest wish was to keep me as far away from the family business as possible. Pops was determined to uphold that promise to her and had sent me off to medical school, but the stronger I became and the more my abilities developed, he could no longer deny me my birthright. I was giddy with anticipation of going in first tonight. I was their only shot at determining what this creature, or monster, was. They had to depend on me for once, and I reveled the sensation.

I hesitated outside Henry Gilbert's door, not about to knock till they were far from sight. "You have your weapons?" Pops asked, turning away from the home to face me.

I patted the pocket of my white coat, just above the stethoscope draped over my neck. Then lifted my medical bag. "Of course."

He seemed reluctant, but after a moment, he conceded. "If anything happens–"

"I know," I breathed, annoyed already. I wasn't some damsel in distress that needed to be taken care of, and he, of all people, should know that. He was the one who trained me, after all.

He frowned. "We won't be far."

I waited till they were across the street and draped in shadows before turning towards the stairs that led to the door.

I heard the boys' anguished screams coming from inside. My heart skipped a beat, imagining what the poor thing must be going through. I gathered my fleeting courage and knocked, waiting for only a moment before an exhausted looking woman with dark circles under his eyes opened the door.

I plastered on a winning smile. "Good evening. My name is Evelyn. I'm the doctor that was called in to help."

The woman opened her mouth to say something, but the boy's screams cut her off. With a nod, she opened the door wider and motioned me inside.

"No one will help him," she said as she led me through the house and up the stairs. "The doctors at the hospital will not even allow us inside." I caught the way the tears flowed down her face as she turned just before the room on the left.

"I'll do everything I can," I assured her. She started to grab the handle when I said, "I've got it from here. Please, it would be best if you stayed downstairs."

I waited till she was gone before turning to the door. Unholy snarling sounds coming from the other side made my heart sink into the pit of my stomach.

I was walking into this blind; Even as a Del Val, I did not know what to expect. All we knew was something was targeting and kidnapping young boys, and somehow Henry had managed to escape. I took a deep breath, turned the knob, and slowly pushed the door open.

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