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Wake up, Li.

O's quick steps crunched in the snow. It was past 6 o'clock. They were at the warehouse, where everyone would be safe, just like those damn criminals promised.

They stopped in front of a secondary warehouse, smaller than imagined, but by no means tiny. It was a measurable distance from Hermes' Boot, requiring firepower beyond O's calculations. They made a mistake, underestimating the allied groups' forces. O hastily pulled the sliding door open, a pale light casting into the pitch dark area.

Several figures lay limp, bound by the wrist. Although relieved, they felt a growing anxiety, look around for somebody in particular. As soon as this person caught O's eye, causing them to bolt over.


They knelt beside her and untied the restraints. Strands of hair stuck to her face, dirt and melted snow streaking her clothes. Her face was hung low, hidden in the shadowy light. Her shoulders shook slightly in response to the voice and the gentle hands cupping her cheeks.

As soon as she was helped up, Anne slapped O across the cheek. The air hissed cleanly, their face whipped away in the other direction. Anne stepped back, holding her hand as she stared on with cold anger--her pretty features glimmered with betrayal.

"Oliver, where's Li?"

Their countenance was solemn. They didn't flinch at all against the harsh tone. A light red print formed on their cheek, yet they could barely feel the sting. She...was truly upset, they thought absentmindedly. She was never the type to use full names.

"I'm sorry Annabelle, but I made my choice. I couldn't risk telling him the truth. He was hiding an Angel, and we know what it means to do that in our city. Its been reconfirmed with the letter from those bakers...and now we are paying for letting an Angel run around under other groups' jurisdiction."

Her body trembled, as she pulled them into a hug. Her calloused hands grasped their shirt tightly.

"I don't agree with this, O. Why couldn't you have worked together with him? You know--you know  he would do everything in his power to help you. He respects you so much! And now,"

she said, voice shaking " now we both have to take responsibility. We put him in danger. He might never make it away from those groups. Right now, he's probably gone."

"It was him, or you, Anne! You might not have done the same thing in my place--but God, if I lost you..."

Their voice choked. Anne's eyes went limpid, losing all anger she originally had. She raised her arms up to hug them tight, their forehead resting on her shoulder.

"I know. I know...thank you," she whispered, "thank you."

The pair consoled each other, blessed to know that they would live out their lives together. At the expense of a lost soul, well, such a peaceful life would not be so easy with such guilt.


Cold. The skin Ume touched was so, so terribly cold. The heat of Li's hand--the warmth in his eyes--extinguished in seconds, only barely higher than the Angel's own metallic temperature.

Ume wrapped the worn scarf tighter around the youth, moving his hand away from the clammy cheek. It had an ugly pattern on it, which Li always joked had sentimental value, laughing so brightly.

"Why save me...?"

The question was left unanswered. The Angel briskly walked to the closest place he knew, his only intention to save Li. Whether dictated by programs or will, he did not care. He just wanted to see black eyes--shine with that warm, shining gleam--look at him again.


After making it safely inside Li's home, the Angel completed a more in-depth first aid for Li, wiping his wound and binding it.

Ume covered him with the varsity jacket, laying it atop Li carefully. He touched the pale face plastered with hair, feeling the clammy skin against his cold palm. The youth's forehead was burning up, yet his entire body covered in sweaty chills.

According to the rate of the temperature drop and continued weather patterns in this city, Ume calculated the temperature to hit below negatives. Such temperatures...were impossible to sustain a human without heat from a outside source, let alone a one as vulnerable as Li.

His sweat would freeze over, chilling his body to death. Ume also knew humans could contract a condition named "Hypothermia," although he lacked further information to determine a full treatment.

To summarize, Ume must keep Li warm.

Ume scanned the house for more useful items, entering each room to inspect the contents.

Pouches of labelled seeds, ragged children's clothing, and small trinkets often associated with older women--a smaller purse with items Ume didn't find necessary to identify. Perhaps the remains of what Li's mother had left behind. Important memoirs, but nothing that could be used as a comforter.

The Angel circled around one more time, before returning to the living room. He glanced over at the sickly Li, then observed the corner of green foliage more closely. The green vitality lessened somewhat with the rapid freeze of the weather, but with the consistent conditions of heat and moisture did they hold onto the fragile clutch of life. He estimated that it was an impossibly low chance for their survival.

Ume had long since decided. He prioritized Li's life over his plants--despite understanding Li's attachment and dedication to them. What he didn't understand was, although a calculated course of action, Ume's will to save and protect Li had already existed, quietly swirling and growing. Only now did it finally become apparent with the danger put against the black-haired youth's wellbeing.

"I am very sorry, Li's plants."

If Li were awake, he'd be stunned how truly apologetic Ume appeared, eyebrows scrunched downward. Ume spoke very seriously to the plants, attempting to treat them with the same courtesy that Li scolded him over prior.

"You hold a deep significance to Li...however. Li needs to stay alive, no matter what. I believe you would all want that for him."

With that, Ume pulled away the towels, blankets, and heater. He hoisted the sick youth in a bridal style, carrying him to what he determined to be the most insulated room in the house. After setting him down in a comfortable position, Ume bundled Li carefully in the blankets and placed the heater at an angle near the doorway.

The Angel only settled down once Li stopped shivering. He propped himself against the wall in a seated position. One arm rested across a knee, with the other leg stretched out. His piercing blue irises hovered over Li's figure rising and falling, golden specks twisting within.

He didn't make a movement, even as a soft paws padded outside the room. The silver-furred fox stalked in, ears dropped back. It paused in front of Li's bed, whining pitifully as it nudged the blankets with a wet snout.


Ume stared ahead with vigilance, his order for Yu completely ignored, as always.

It circled around the bed, making one heartbreaking noise after the other, tail limply trailing behind. The fox slowly stepped atop the bed, before laying down at Li's feet, tail wrapped tightly around it's body. It waited, for its much beloved person to awaken.

Ume spoke evenly, never looking away from Li.

"Li, you are going to be mad with me when you wake up, right? For neglecting your plants, even after you requested me to preserve them. I'll apologize for it then, so please...wake up."

Wake up, Li.

The words drifted into silence.

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