Chapter 1 : A new beginning , a new life.

Start from the beginning

She grabbed the cup , but the sound of someone knocking on the door stopped her from drinking it's contents , she sighed deeply , left the cup of coffee with milk in the kitchen and walked to the entrance.

The porcupine slowly opened the door and pecked a glance , there , outside the door were 3 strangers standing patiently , they looked surprised when they saw her , like if they were expecting someone else to appear , but they didn't say anything about it.

-" Hello, good morning!". After a couple of minutes filled with awkward silence , one of the strangers greeted cheerfully the porcupine.

-"Hi......good m-morning". Greeted back the porcupine , with a soft tone in her voice.

-"Are you new around here ? , I don't remember meeting you before". The stranger , a male bright yellow rabbit , asked her.

-" Uuuh ...... yes .... I arrived here y-yesterday". She answered nervously , she wasn't very used to talking to strangers on her own.

The boy smiled happily upon hearing her words and his companions seemed more calm now , he suddenly grabbed the reddish hand of the girl and started shaking it with enthusiasm , not taking the time to think if his new acquaintance would feel overwhelm by his actions.

-" Oh , nice to meet ya and welcome to this awesome town , I'm sure you're gonna love it in no time , my name is Cuddles !! , what's yours ?!". The energetic rabbit , Cuddles , spoke without pause and shaking the girl's hand very very fast , all while grinning with great joy.

-" Aaaaah , n-nice to meet you-u Cuddles , m-my name is F-Flaky ". The crimson porcupine said , her hand was moving up and down so quickly that she started feeling like if she was inside a mixer at full speed , some of the dandruffs of her "hair" began falling to the floor like if it was snow because of the intense handshake.

-" Cuddles , I think you should stop , Flaky doesn't look very well". Suddenly , one of the rabbit's companions spoke up for the poor porcupine , she was grateful for this savior pf hers that had saved her from the extrovert rodent's deadly energy.

-" T-Thanks". The shy girl thanked her when Cuddles freed her from his grasp.

-" No worries ! , I'm Giggles , it's nice meeting you , Flaky". She said while holding (gently) the nervous lass's hand ; Giggles looked like a pinkish female rodent with a paler diamond mark in her forehead , she was wearing a short bubblegum pink dress that made wonder the spiky girl if she felt cold with this winter , pure white socks with clean black shoes , and a big Snow White hat adorned with a distinctive magenta bow on top of it , her face was decorated with two shining dark eyes that glared kindly at the shy lady and a warm smile that placed her worries to sleep.

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