Morning After

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Chapter 15

Luca felt so possessive over Ally when he didn't feel her next to him last night, he knew that was dangerous it is suppose to be fun guilt free...but he realized when he couldn't fall's more than that He just stared at her frustrated that he  couldn't keep any walls up with her.

He felt Ally move to lay her head on his chest and she did not move again and actually enjoyed her weight he did not feel an urge to make distance... Instead he wanted more...

Ally slowly started waking up fluttering her eyes open, she could hear Luca's heartbeat... Slow and steady she rubbed her hand across his chest when he put his over hers... It was too much she needed t move...she decided to prop up on to her left shoulder and kissed him "Luca...." she whispered again kissing him"i need the bathroom "she stated softly and he immediately let her go and she moved to get up then Luca grabbed her wrist" hurry back..."he said half asleep and she went to the bathroom

She splashed water on her face and she moved up she could feel herself a lot tender than before" fuck...was amazing though"she stated to herself getting back flashes and smiled."it was I agree..." Luca said walking behind her holding her waist kissing her neck moving his hand to Alli's front staring at her in the mirror keeping his head in her neck

"As much as I would love it to go another round I don't think I can..." she said laying her head back on his chest "I know... I'll give you a break for now" Luca stated and walk back to the room, Alli took a breath... He was so intense she wondered if he was like  this all the time and walked back as well
She moved to gather her clothes that Luca put on the dresser for her after it came out of the dryer and got dressed... "what are you doing?" Luca asked coldly, Alli looked back suprised"im getting dressed... "she stated putting on her blouse slowly and Luca moved towards her again..." I thought you would want me to leave...with the arrangement "she stated again  and Luca stared at her like he was undressing her all over again " you can't leave... Cuz I still need to check your car... So you can relax and have breakfast with me and then I'll check your car"Luca stated rubbing his thumb against her bottom lip" okay...thank you I forgot about the car"Alli shaking her head, Luca got dressed in his Grey sweatpants and moved to the kitchen and Alli followed.

Luca made Alli a cuppicino and placed it in front of her as she came to sit at the counter "wow... Thank you... Can I help with anything..." Alli asked taking a sip "don't you dare..." Luca said firmly putting the pans on the stove and Alli smiled "so do youcook for all the girls that you sleep with?" she asked regretting the question when he was quiet for too long "I'm just being nice...." Luca stated and put the bacon and eggs in the plate and finally turned around placing it in front of Alli not looking up towards her.

Luca wasn't upset that Alli asked him but the fact that he knew she was the first girl he made a breakfast for and he didn't know how to answer her so he was just being nice

While Alli was busy eating Luca went to check her car and saw the battery ran flat and so he jump started and he let it idle for awhile and went back inside to see Alli was Washing dishes
"thank you... The breakfast was amazing so the least I could do was do the dishes" Alli stated putting the Plate in the dry rack. "so the battery was flat its charging...." Luca stated "oh thank goodness I thought its was going to cost me an arm and a leg" Alli had sigh of relief with her hand on her chest.Luca had a a small smile on his face.

He looks sad Alli thought.... almost as if he wanted something to be wrong... Maybe she was just over thinking everything after he got cold when she asked about breakfast "I owe you big time for this I promise" Alli said walking over to give Luca a hug.
"there is another way you could say thank you" Luca released himself from her embrace... Alli gave him a calculated look but decided to challenge it "sure... Bring it" she stated "I have to meet some friends tomorrow night... Nothing big, you can come with me" Luca said with smirk, "Done."Alli replied" Should I meet you at your place? "she asked getting her purse as Luca walked her to her car..."it's OK I'll come and fetch you... Incase your car decides to die again" Luca teased making Alli roll her eyes at him "Did you just roll your eyes at me?" Luca asked sternly "Maybe... What you going to do about it" Alli replied folding her arms around her chest As Luca searched her eyes and then down her body Alli felt that heat again rushing through her and Luca kissed her when he moved away she couldn't get her eyes to open "You will have to wait and see... I suppose" Luca replied in a low growl and he opened the door for her.

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