Slow And Steady

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Chapter 5

A year later nothing came from the  Italian though Alli figure she wouldn't,not that she ever thought she stood a chance she was way out of her league.

As time went on she met up with an old friend Dillian, she knew that he had a thing for her for years but nothing happened between the two of them because she was to distracted and heartbroken over her first love that she couldn't see past anything else... But now that their paths aligned she figured to give it a chance.

He messaged her the one day and invited her for a weekend of playing paintball,and as of course at first things always seem simple and uncomplicated.

Then after a few months later the cracks started to show Dillian was starting to become more controversial by being insecure and controlling ironically he was still married and refused to get the divorce finalized cause of financial difficulties... Which was a complete horse shit lie... After months of fighting for the respect that Alli deserved she finally started realizing that this relationship wasn't for and going to end sooner than later... Strangely after valentine's day when Dillian accused her of staring at his sister fiancé and the entire week trying to talk and emend the situation
She walked away as per usual he was pleading and crying for her to stay and she with all might stood her ground.

She decided to him meet in a public place for coffee he was already waiting for her like a scolded puppy
"You look nice" Dillian stated as he pulled out the chair for her obviously putting his best foot forward "thank you" Alli said "and change your hair..." he added she looked at him he didn't look very impressed well not that she didn't care clearly he didn't appreciate it when she tried to change things for him while in the relationship "yeah I needed a change a changed is as good as a holiday... How are you?" Alli asked "could be a lot better and you" He stated when the waiter came to the table "can I please have a cuppcino" Alli order and the waiter walked away "so are you going tk give me another chance or no?" Dillan stated right off the bat "can I at least enjoy my coffee?" Alli added looking at him in shock "well I need to know" he stated again.... Well it was going just like she knew it would all about him and what he needs.

"Look I need you to answer me why do you want to fix things now when I gave u so many chance in the relationship..." Alli stated "how many chance did I not give you Alli....and you just want to leave so easily" Dillan added
Cleary she was going to get very far and she knew it.... So she ended up giving him a letter "please read this when you get home" Alli added
And before she knew it Dillian left unsatisfied with the out come.

She took her phone out and called Shannon "Hey girl how did it went quick?" Shannon asked on the other side and the waiter put Alli's coffee on the table
"went as expected he didn't want to talk about anything just wanted me to give him another chance" Alli said with a heavy heart"ah he such an asshole and doesn't deserve you babe maybe it's better this way how do you feel about it? "Shannon asked" I feel calm like I know I did the right thing and the fact that he doesn't want to hear what I have to say and that made it easier to except the fact that he didn't really love me just wanted to control me "Alli ended
" I'm so proud of you my friend for being strong and knowing exactly what you want... Wish I was like that sometimes "Shannon added with a heavy heart" but anyway I have a few errands to run I'll talk to you later okay babe "Shannon stated." Sure no problem babe i love u"Alli added and they ended the call

Alli felt calm and for the first time in control when it came to her love life.... doesn't mean it didn't still hurt, Alli had something to eat and decided to go home after she finished.

Luca was really struggling getting Alli out of his mind he would constantly look at her photos fantasize of the thing he would to her body and for the first time this girl didn't make the first move.... Was she not interested did she have a bf... It was driving him insane he had to consistently keep his emotions in check when he was around his friends and Family

Luca was at his parents house for Sunday lunch he would always be the last to stay behind and help his mother clean up even when he was younger when his brothers were off doing mafia business. "so do you have some one special in your life my boy" his mother asked putting  the dishes in the cupboard "no mama not at the moment just abut busy with dad and work" Luca added not looking up knowing his mother would see the bullshit on his face "not even one... You don't have to look at me for me to know you Luca" she added taking another plate from him, he knew that tone and looked at his mother she knew "I know your father raised you to be hard especially with the mafia its not easy... But your mother raise you with love and that's the difference... Not saying he doesn't love you" she added plain her hands on the air. "There is a girl but we haven't even spoken yet... Maybe we never will who knows" Luca carried on with the dishes "is she pretty....? she asked...." she is beautiful.... But will see mama "Luca added helping her with the last dishes" don't let a good thing pass you by because you got hurt on the past Luca... It can't always be dark the sun always rises somewhere... "his mother ended and he gave a her soft smile and a kiss on the cheek" thanks mama I'll give you a call on the week I love you thank you for the food "he said as walk to the door.

Music :Madonna Beautiful stranger

When Luca got home he went through his phone looking at Alli's pictures" what are you doing to me "he asked himself

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