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Chapter 11

Maybe you should just go take you shit and go before he gets here
Alli's mind keep racing, she is in trouble and the good kind and she knows it but this will break her.
Everything she knows is about to change and Luca is going to be the one.

She anxiously taps her leg and nibbles on her pinky finger nail...when she sees the door open and it's almost as time had slowed down... It's him...
"oh my fuck" Alli breathe softy feeling how her body starts reacting to the sight of him... He is tall a lot taller atleats 6 foot 4 his is huge his built quit well.. .he is wearing all black his suit shirt sleeves are rolled up half on his arms showing his tattoos two buttons unbuttoned at the top showing his necklace he oozes so much sex Alli can't catch her breath
And slowly swallows her uncomfortableness and looks away... She is in a shit storm sexy Italian trouble "Satan in a Sunday hat" she tells herself and takes a deep breath.

Luca started stirring standing at the door of the restaurant looking Alli "beautiful..." he says and opens the door "Good evening sir...." frontman greeted "HI yes... Im meeting my friend here." he stated "please follow me" he replied and moved him towards Alli.... She was beautiful small but all the right curves Luca could see he leg tapping she was nervous she has a pink floral dress on with heels her chocolate brown hair was hanging loose just the way he like it when she looked of she smiled and he couldn't breathe... She had the most beautiful blue eyes crystal blue Grey he has ever seen..."there you go sir I'll call your waiter for you" the man stated and walked away."Hi...sorry I'm late it won't happen again..." Luca greets her kissing Alli on the cheek. "it's OK... Family is Family" she smiled looking taken a back by the kiss and he could feel it and sat down." wow... Your huge... Im mean big... Tall" Alli stumbled and Luca smiles knowing what she meant "and lucky for you I'm both" he said giving her a wink.
Alli's mouth slightly opened and moved in her seat clearing her throat
"sorry I already order I couldn't wait anymore I'm hungry" Alli stated taking a sip of her drink "that's all good what did you order...?" A salmon platter. "she stated as the waiter came around Luca order his drink and food

" so what's your story...? "Luca asked with his eyes focused on Alli while she took a sip of her coffee slowly putting her cup down and smiled at him.. he was so intense and it made her feel like those brown eyes were seeing right into her soul and eating from Inside out after there mains were finished.

" I don't have a story... Im pretty boring" she stated with a soft smile putting her fingers around the cup catching Luca looking down at her hand and up to her eyes and she had to catch a breath.. "ofcourse you do every one has a story even the boring ones" he stated putting his arms crossed on the table leaning toward Alli and she look into the cup"Grew up in town staying here my entire life haven't traveled overseas... Wanting to... Went to school went to college got a job walked away tried to start my own business failed had a few failed relationships and now working for my dad... "Alli said looking at Luca he gaze hasn't moved..." that does not sound boring to me"he said looking down at Alli's bottom lip as she bit on it slight 'Fuck' he thought feeling himself reacting to her clearing his throat.

Luca moved and called the waiter over for the check... He needed a distraction "okay how about you then mister smarty pants" Alli said drinking the last of her coffee and moved her cup to the side "nothing special...grew up in a big family went to school graduated... Went into family business and doing extra work on the side" Luca stated as the waiter moved the bill into the middle of the table "thank you so much for being with us tonight hope to see you again" The waiter stated and moved off... Alli moved in to get the bill when Luca grabbed her wrist not hard but in a very sultry firm manner that made her want to melt into him... "what do you think your doing....?" He asked giving her that intense look again and she looked and smile "I'm wanting to pay for half of the bill" she said "No your not... See I asked you to dinner and atop that I was late so... I will be paying the bill" Luca stated moving his hand over checking the amount and called the for the card machine.

Alli just took in every manner of Luca the way he spoke, the way he moved
It was smooth manly dominant all. At same time and his hands...Lord those hands could make her putty and he could mold her into  anything he wanted... she bit her lip at the notion "you ready to go?" Luca asked "yes thank you it was amazing" Alli thanked getting up Luca let her go past "After you..." he said Alli gave him a look "you going to stare at my ass" she sighed "Never..." Luca said putting his hand on his chest and smiled as she walked past.One thing was certain she had a amazing ass.

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