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After finishing the photography work, the members quickly left the studio. Many fans gathered outside the door. All of a sudden, the assistants around them blocked them until they got on the car smoothly.

“So tired!” Bai Yi leaned his head against the car window, “I will go to record the OST later, I feel like my body is hollowed out. Shen Huan, you are recording the show today, too.”

Shen Huan nodded, “But I’m a mentor. In fact, the mouth that moves the most is much easier than the players.”

After hearing this, Bai Yi began to cry again.

“Mengze, you can go back to catch up later.” Ming Qi looked at Xu Qichen in a daze, “I feel that you are in a trance.”

“I heard that Director Chen is very perverted. The actor will be scolded to death if he doesn’t perform well. He keeps shouting cut. He doesn’t care what your schedule is. You must act until he is satisfied.” Bai Yi poked Xu Qichen in the cheek and comforted. “It doesn’t matter if you can’t go, anyway, idol artists like us are really in his group, basically tantamount to suicide.”

Shen Huan said, “Speaking of which, Chen Anping also won a prize for his last film.”

“Well, he is a director who has won a lot of awards in recent years. By the way, the film that Lin Ran won was also directed by him. He played a psychopathic hahaha.”

“Very awesome? Wasn’t he only 21 years old at that time?”

“Anyway, these years, it’s easiest to win prizes in terms of evolution, fineness, and dementia.”

Everyone was discussing in great enthusiasm, but Xu Qichen seemed to have been prodded, took out his mobile phone and started searching for the film that Lin Ran won.


This film, like “Nanke”, is a Sino-foreign joint venture in the setting. The protagonist is a Chinese child who grew up in the bottom of the United States. His father died of drug overdose, and his mother was also a drug addict. All kinds of bullying, he became a cruel serial murderer as an adult.

The script touched on many sensitive topics, such as racial discrimination, drugs, school bullying, and illegal immigration. It also caused considerable controversy when it was released.

The other members didn’t return to the dormitory because of their work. Instead, Ji Mengze, who had the busiest schedule, had no schedule because of the undecided film. Xu Qichen took advantage of the break to look at the film by Lin Ran.

0901 couldn’t help but say: “Mr. Xu, won’t you make up for such a precious rest time?”

Xu Qichen put down the biscuit in his hand: “0901, what you said has a sense of sight of an old father.”

0901 no more sound.

Xu Qichen felt a little excitement, but the most curious thing was Lin Ran’s performance in it, and finally turned into a real movie.

The tone of the whole movie is very melancholy realism, which almost completely realizes Xu Qichen’s idea when he was conceived.

The movie uses a flashback technique. The protagonist Chris Chen is interrogated by the police in the image of a prisoner. Lin Ran is the first protagonist of the whole movie and the only Asian actor. In order to match the character’s image, he is almost out of shape. He who was being interrogated on the chair seemed to be just a shell, his hollow eyes looked like a black hole filled with dissatisfaction.

[BL] BE Crazy Demon Survival System Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora