"There's the letter 'A' on it but, other than that, nothing else." So the attacker's first or last name started with an 'A'. Interesting. Finally some more clues.

"I'll send some people to collect the body." Hiro seemed awfully calm about the whole thing. But, then again, it might just be him trying to remain tranquil. "In the meantime, get somewhere safe. Whoever these... people are, they seem to be targeting you. Or, more specifically, targeting the people you care about, most likely a manipulation technique of some sort. But, don't worry, I'll get to the bottom of this before anything else happens."

Y/N opened her mouth to say something but Hiro abruptly ended the call.

"You're free to come with me..." Naoto offered, "You're gonna get sick if you don't warm up."

Y/N jumped slightly, not expecting him and Takemichi to still be standing there. No matter how much she tried to deny it, she knew Naoto was right. She needed a hot shower otherwise she'd most likely catch a cold.

"... I'll come." Y/N climbed to her feet, shivering. Even with Takemichi's jumper, she still felt cold. She was no longer feeling numb, much to her relief. It was such a strange feeling wanting to cry but not being able to.

Naoto focused his attention on her for a split second before silently nodding.

"Hey, Y/N," Takemichi smiled, "You can walk under the umbrella. I'm fine with walking in the rain." He knew Y/N and Naoto needed the umbrella more than him (and also because Naoto in the future had asked Takemichi to set him up with Y/N) so he let the pair walk side by side, their shoulders brushing occasionally.

Naoto's hand trembled as he bit his bottom lip. His heart was pounding heavily in his chest, not used to being so close to a female that wasn't his friend. Y/N, however, assumed Naoto was scared since the sun was starting to set.

Without a sound, she lifted a hand and grasped Naoto's, stabilizing the umbrella above them. He thickly gulped, cheeks turning bright red. Takemichi watched from behind, mentally patting himself on the back.

The trio walked in complete silence, no one daring to utter a single word until they reached the apartment complex.

"We're here." Naoto murmured, finally breaking the ice. Y/N looked up, staring at the building.

It looked... nice. She was so used to fancy hotels, houses, and buildings that she forgot how normal ones looked.

'Ash and Nira would've liked this one' She silently thought to herself.

Naoto led them up the stairs, closing the clear umbrella as they reached the shelter.

The soft pitter-patting of rain hit the roof, bringing Y/N back to reality. She stopped walking, almost bumping into Naoto's smaller figure.

"Big sister, I'm back!" The ravenette called out as he unlocked the front door.

"Naoto?! Is that you?!" Hinata shouted from her room. A loud crash was heard along a small wince. "Are you okay?! Is Takemichi with you as well?!" A moment later, she came hobbling down the corridor.

"Big sister, you shouldn't be walking if your ankle still hurts." Naoto uttered as he closed the metal door behind them and locked it.

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