The Moment Of Truth...And Cringe

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Happy Halloween!

Whatever energy Chanyeol was lacking, Baekhyun absorbed. After talking to Mr. Kim and somewhat getting to the bottom of this murder mystery, he was in a slump. No killers, no justice, no hope for Baekhyun. He felt a bit defeated, to say the least.

Meanwhile, Baekhyun was slowly coming back to himself, going down a rabbit hole of rom coms and cheesy horror films to raise his spirits. It only took a few days for him to forget about his confession and get right back to being his annoying self, much to Chanyeol's disappointment. He was in no mood to deal with the ghost, especially with his stupid project to finish and a big Halloween celebration right around the corner.

Of course, Baekhyun never got the memo when he wanted space.

"Whatcha doing?" He asked, hovering over Chanyeol to snoop through his work.

"I'm trying to do homework. Do you mind?"

Baekhyun scoffed, taken aback. "Why are you so grumpy today? Halloween's this week, you should be excited."

"I have a project to finish."

"Forget the project." He shoved his laptop to the side and spun Chanyeol's chair around. "You still haven't asked Kyungsoo to the dance and you're running out of time."

"Forget about the dance." He mumbled, dragging his laptop back to its original position. "Forget about Kyungsoo. I'm going to be lonely and single for the rest of my life, so you might as well accept it as I have."

"Woah, where is this coming from? I know you weren't able to confess before, but that doesn't mean you should just give up completely. You can never give up on love. Love always finds a way!"

"Will you shut up already?"

Baekhyun frowned. He pushed Chanyeol's chair away from the desk so the laptop was out of reach and knelt in front of him. Chanyeol tried not to make eye contact, but the ghost followed him wherever his head went.

"Seriously, what's up with you? You seem slightly more irritable than usual, and I didn't think that was possible."

He sighed, burying his face in his hands. "It's nothing. I'm just stressed about this project. It's due at the end of the week and I barely have anything done."

"No, that's not all." He leaned in uncomfortably close. "What's really bothering you? Are you still upset that you couldn't tell Kyungsoo? Because if so, I'm always here for emotional support. A love expert like myself is also a heartbreak expert. You can't be one without the other."

Chanyeol uncovered his face and rested his head on his fist. "You're weird, you know that?"
"I'll take that as a compliment. Now," He clapped his hands together. "Let's take a break from work and get you in the Halloween spirit, shall we?"


Chanyeol really didn't have time to procrastinate more, but his time with Baekhyun was running out and after Halloween, he wouldn't be able to do anything with him anymore. So, he let the ghost drag him around the mall for the rest of the day and even kept his mouth shut when he followed him to school. He should've known better than to lead him right to Kyungsoo, but what's done is done and there was no way to get rid of him once he found a reason to stick around.

"Look over there." Baekhyun whispered in Chanyeol's ear as he put his books in his locker. Looking over his shoulder, he saw Kyungsoo walking down the hall with Kai and Sehun. They hadn't acknowledged him yet, but it was clear they were heading straight for him.

"Now's your chance."

"Hell no." Chanyeol said, slamming his locker shut. "I am not saying anything to Kyungsoo while there are witnesses."

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