Chapter 14

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As you walked back inside the world seemed to fall apart around you. Walls began to fall, and all the black has turned to a dull grey color.

And there seemed to be a horrible green glow coming from the inner sanctum.

Which was exactly where you were heading.

You walked in to see all the bug-like furniture moving around the room. It no longer looked like the inner sanctum. It was pretty horrifying, and just looking at it made you want to be sick. But, it wasn't the most horrible thing you've seen today.

You nervously look around the room for Bleck. He had to be here somewhere.

You found everything but the last eye. You still needed to find that last eye to win. You could no longer see the moon, so you had no idea how much time you had left.

You're guessing not much.

"So," Comes the Manguer's voice from behind you, not resembling Count Bleck's voice in the slightest anymore. "You're back."

His voice is much smoother and much more chilling. It has a creepy quality to it that you can't quite describe. 

You slowly turn around and gasp at his new appearance.

He's tall, his face looks like it's made of cracked-white china. His eyes, two yellow gems. That's the only thing that remained the same about him. His hair is black yarn, strung from his head. His neck and waist are metal rods, he has six metal legs and thin metal hands. You can see the bones on his chest. He has no skin at all anymore. He looks to be made half from human bones and half from metal and china. He looks horrifying.

He walks up to you and places a thin metal hand under your chin. "You know I love you," He says in a cold, chilling voice.

"Hmm," You say, trying not to shake. "Well, you have a very funny way of showing it."

"So," he says, stepping back and turning around. His neck is incredibly long and his head hangs down in front of him. "Where are they? The ghost eyes?"

You hold out the three you have, and he beams. He reaches out for them, but you quickly pull them back once he tries to take them with those thin metal hands. "Now, hold on!" You say. "We're not done yet, are we?"

"No, I suppose we aren't." He says with a disappointed tone.  "You still need to find one more."

"Yes," You reply.

"And... the Alternate Mr. L," He chimes, and you feel your blood run cool. "Or perhaps... did you already find him?"

You begin to shake. "I found him," You manage to breathe. "I found him..."

"Hmmm, what a pity that was. I was so disappointed to see my creation strung up,"

"Then why did you do it?!" You snap. "Why?! He felt things! He didn't deserve that! HE FELT THINGS!"

"And the real one didn't?" The Manguer replies coldly. "Did the real Mr. L not feel things? After all... you killed him, did you not? What makes what I did any different from what you did?"

You freeze, unable to respond, as that wave of guilt finally hits you.

It should have hit you long ago, and you feel disgusted that it didn't.

You did the same thing. You're no better than this monster. You blew him up, and you didn't even feel a drop of guilt for it until now. You told him he talked too much, you told him you'd rather be alone, you're the one who gave him that scar on his neck.

"Well, then I suppose the eye is the last thing you need to find. Too bad, you won't have.... this!" The Manguer says, interrupting your thoughts.

He quickly holds up his finger to show the monocle on it. You gasp, then check your pockets to find that it is indeed missing.

The Perfect WorldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora