Chapter 1

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(AN: The music at the top is highly recommended for helping set the mood and enhancing the reading experience! I listened to each song at the top while writing each chapter! Highly recommend! I also recommend reading at night-ish! The music is different for each chapter, so enjoy! Sometimes the same songs appear, sorta like a character's theme. I found the music REALLY helps, so I highly recommend it!

TW: Get's violent and disturbing! Happy Halloween!)

Third Person POV

A small doll of a blue man wearing a cloak and a white top hat is gently grabbed with two thin, metal hands.

Slowly, they take apart the stitching, carefully pulling the doll's cotton out.

They pluck the two yellow gem eyes out and set them aside.

Once the doll is disassembled, they grab another doll. This one is of a beautiful girl with white hair.

They slowly undo the thread keeping the hair attached to her head and pull it out, one by one.

They undo the stings holding her together as well and pluck out the yellow eyes like before.

Once both dolls are finally disassembled, the hands toss aside the remains of the girl doll and turn to the remaining materials of the blue one. They cut some fabric, then use the cotton and stitching to make a new one.

Some green fabric is cast aside in a pile labeled "Not likely to fall for it." This fabric is completely ignored. There's no point in wasting time on it.


The new doll they make is a jester, decorated with a purple and yellow poncho and hat. Its skin is grey, but you can't see it unless you remove the doll's black and white mask. Lastly, the metal hands place two yellow eyes onto the doll. Then, they send it away.

- A Few Weeks Earlier -

2nd Person POV

You wake in a land of darkness. Your head hurts and your ears ring. It's an unpleasant feeling, to say the least. You don't even have to open your eyes to feel unsettled by the unfamiliar chill.

The last thing you remember... what's the last thing you remember?

Your eyes remain shut, but the images pass over your mind. A large, horrible creation. A fusion of three things, a heart of chaos and destruction, an unsuspecting man in green, and you.

There are explosions.

You remember the feeling. The feeling of the fusion being split apart. Of your life being ripped and torn away from your body as the fire consumed you, blasting you apart into nothingness. You shiver at the memory and feel sick. You want to erase it from your mind. The sight of watching everything you worked so hard for burning away. The memories of feeling the flames rip through you. That panic you had felt when you realized there was no escape.

No escape.

That panic is one of the things that had hurt most. The panic you felt as the flames got closer and closer, before ripping through your chest. That moment right before the sweet release of death finally took you, that moment of agony and pain... it was impossible to forget.

And now, where are you?

You know where you are. You don't even have to open your eyes to know where you are.

But you don't want to be here. You don't want to open your eyes and confirm what you already know is true.

But, you do. You open your eyes, and your worst fears are in fact, confirmed. You look around yourself and see that you are alone, and you are in the land of the dead. The place for those who've had the pleasure of their games ending.

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