Chapter 6

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You open your eyes, blinking a few times, only to come to realize that you are no longer in that perfect world, but the real world. You're back in that cave.

You quickly check your mask, feeling for the cracks.

Sure enough, they're gone. You smile a victorious smile, then step outside the cave.

You're lucky enough not to run into Mr. L today. But, instead of waiting for night to come, you just head straight to the door. You hardly even notice the doll just sitting outside the cave entrance.

You head straight to the door and pull out that key. You unlock the door to reveal that same beautiful glowing tunnel, and you smile a big smile.

"I knew it wasn't a dream," You say, looking around, making sure no one sees you. The last thing you want is an imperfection following you into your perfect world.

You crawl through, ending up in the inner sanctum as always. This time you don't see Bleck or Nastasia in the dining room or the kitchen, but there's a large stack of finely bakes cupcakes and a small note from Bleck.

"Your Majesty,
Your maid has something she'd like to show you! She requested your presence whenever works best for you, My King.
Sincerely, Bleck," You read aloud.

"Hm, I'm guessing my maid would be Mimi," You chuckle. "How pleasant."

You can't help but love the idea of all your former teammates working for you. You wonder if this is how the Count used to feel. It does give you a feeling of importance and purpose. It feels quite nice.

You walk down the hallways alone until you come to a large door right where Mimi's room usually would be. You push them open, to see the alternate L already there, waiting for you.

"Ah, I was wondering where you were," You admit. He just smiles and waves, when Mimi walks up to you, a maids outfit on and a more sophisticated hairstyle. Instead of wearing pigtails, her hair is tied neatly in a low bun.

"Mimi?" You ask.

She and Mr. L immediately bow simultaneously. "Your Majesty," She says. "I am so pleased that you could make it! I've been collecting pretty things from all over, just for you!"

You see a large red curtain in front of you. She notices you eyeing it and giggles. "It's all behind there. Would you like to take a look?"

You nod. As if on cue, L grabs your arm and gently leads you through, pushing the curtain aside.

You gasp. Behind it are artifacts and wonders from all over. You see both the Light AND Dark Prognostics in a glass case. You see another case with a no longer active Chaos Heart and a separate one for the Purity Heart. There is also a collection of artwork from ancient times, vases, and old books. There are even weapons used by the ancients to fight the Pixl Queen back in the Great Pixl War. You immediately run up and take a closer look at everything. You pull up history books and quickly read about things you've always wanted to know. You read on the forming of the Tribe of Darkness, the writing of the Dark and Light Prognostics, and...

You pull out a purple book titled, "Dimentio."

Your eyes go wide, and you open the book. Inside, are facts about yourself that even you didn't know.

"How...." You ask, "How did you come across this?"

"Oh, little ol' me just had to do some digging," Mimi says with a smile. "I know you've always wondered about your past, my King."

"How did you know that?" You question while reading through the book.

"Bleck told me, of course. He knows you so well. It's so sweet of him."

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