Chapter 13

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(AN: The music is short, so I'd go to the video, click settings, then click "Loop video." But please try to listen because it sounds really cool with this chapter!)

2nd Person POV


You freeze.

You hear your heartbeat in your ears.

A burning feeling forms in your lungs.

No matter how hard you try, you can't move. Time seems to have frozen you in this horrible, horrible moment.

"L.....?" You whisper, looking up at the wooden plank.

You begin to tremble. Your heartbeat gets louder and your breathing speeds up.

"No," You whisper, your voice sounding broken. "N-no..."

You slowly start taking strides towards the castle, speeding up with each step until you're sprinting faster than you've ever sprinted before. You feel as the tears start to stream down your masked face.

"L!" You cry as you run. "L!!!"

You burst onto the roof. Your stomach feels sick. "NO! PLEASE, please no!"

You gasp when you get to the plank. "L!" You cry, quickly walking out onto it. "L! NO NO NO! PLEASE!"

You kneel down when you get to the edge and look down at him.


Hanging from that wooden plank is the alternate L, a rope around his neck. His body, lifeless. His head lies slightly tilted to the side, his yellow eyes still barely open.

He gently swings with the faint breeze, his hat gone and his lips blue. His hair gently blows with the wind and you want to be sick.

You reach for the rope, undoing it at the top, and pulling him up, squeezing your eyes shut, and praying that this is just a horrible nightmare. Once you pull him onto the plank you hug him tightly, resting his head on your shoulder. Then, you gently lift him into a classic princess carry and bring him back to the roof, gently setting him down.

You lie him on his back and press an ear to his chest, listening in for a heartbeat. Does he even have a heartbeat? If he was never really real, then would he even have one?

No, he must have. Because he felt things. 

You feel your breath hitch when you detect nothing. You lean up and look down at him, panicking.

"L?! L, listen to me! Y-you gotta get up! Please, PLEASE WAKE UP! Y-YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME! PLEASE!" You sob, grabbing his hand. You immediately throw your mask off and hold his lifeless hand to your face, letting your tears fall onto it. 

"Please," You whisper softly. "Please, L.... no one listens to me. Please..."

He doesn't reply.

He can't reply.

Not because he can't talk, but because he's dead. 

He's dead. 

"L..." You whisper, leaning down and hugging him to you. "L, don't leave me alone. I... I don't want to be alone anymore...."

You start to loudly sob, not caring that time is running low. "I DON'T WANT TO BE ALONE ANYMORE!" You cry.

You cry because he's gone. And he felt things. Everything that happened to him, he felt every moment of it.

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