Catherine The Cat Jump Kicks A God

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Requested by Ship_as_Axololes, featuring their OC, a jump kicking cat called Catherine. Thanks for the request!


Some time ago:

"Ghost! GHOST GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW," Hornet yelled chasing after her possibly deranged younger sibling, who in turn was trying to catch up with Hollow, who was much too fast.

Hornet used her silk which wrapped around Ghost, pulling them back. They looked up at Hornet and gave a sad whine. Even if they couldn't talk, they could still make sounds.

"Ghost, you know you're not supposed to be running off, even if you're chasing Hollow. Don't you remember Nosk?" The name instantly seemed to erase all thoughts of complaint from Ghost's head.

Ghost plunked onto the ground and sighed, then looked up at Hornet.

Can't someone have any fun in this place?

Ghost signed.

"We can go on a walk," Hornet said. Then with a frown she said, "But I'm only doing this for you." Ghost perked up at the idea. They loved walks.

After a while Ghost, who had been behaving halfway acceptably until now, suddenly turned and veered into the bushes, scattering leaves and branches everywhere.

"I swear, when I get my hands on them-" Hornet growled. She went in the direction that Ghost did. Shortly after, she found them digging.

"What are you-?" Ghost uncovered a white, circular object that was as large as their head. They presented it proudly to Hornet, who sighed.

"That looks like an egg of some sort," Hornet remarked. "But I don't see what could have laid it." Ghost peered at it, then pulled out something that looked similar to a Wanderer's Journal, but larger. They scanned it rapidly, then shook their head.

"Where did you get that?" Hornet asked, pointing at the journal. "If you stole it from the library..." Ghost shook their head frantically.

It's the Hunter's Journal. The Hunter gave it to me. I think you know him...?

Ghost signed quickly.

"I've never known anyone called the Hunter," Hornet said. Ghost held up the Journal.

Hornet instantly saw a drawing of her, with notes beside it:

I have seen this nimble little creature. I thought her prey and pounced at her, but with a flash she stabbed me with her flying stinger and darted away. Could she be... a Hunter?


They returned to the Palace. Hornet had convinced Ghost to leave the egg where it was, telling them that it was no use to keep it.

Ghost had objected, but finally agreed. Now they were shut in their room, not interacting with anyone. They didn't even acknowledge Broken, who wanted to play. It wasn't the smartest idea.

Broken was playful, but had a ferocious temper when they got mad. They were storming all around the Palace, fuming. Even the Kingsmoulds didn't want to get near them. Finally, the Pale King came out of the throne room, looking very irritated.

"Broken, go to your room. Time out," he snapped at Broken. Then he saw Hornet. "I thought I told you to help in the garden?" he demanded.

"Like I ever would listen to you," Bastard, Hornet finished in her head. The King glared at her.

"I am the King-" he began.

"And we all have to obey your stupid orders and worship your wonderful ass, I'm sure," Hornet said acidly, her temper rising. "How are you even a King, what with your crazy ideas and useless plans?!"

That last bit had nothing to do with the King telling Hornet to go to the garden, but she was so angry at her father, for everything, for all the suffering he had inflicted on Hollow and the other Vessels.

"You'll want to calm yourself, miss," a Kingsmould suggested, although he quickly pretended to be dutifully on duty as Hornet turned her glare on him.

She whipped out her needle and pointed it at her father, seething. In response, the King drew out his own nail.

"Your Majesty," the Kingsmould said in a strained voice. They ignored him. Just then Ghost came downstairs, roused by the noise. The King didn't even look at them.

"I'm warning you-" the King snarled.

"You think you're so intimidating-" Hornet growled. Before they could start fighting, Ghost stepped between them.

A black creature watched from the window, then slipped away unnoticed.


Hornet and the King were continuing their shouting match outside, though it was hard to hear each other over the howling wind. Eventually, the King had to kick Hornet out of the Palace temporarily. Hornet just threw herself down on a Bench, glaring. She didn't notice the black cat hiding under it.


The cat, Catherine had been under the Bench for quite a while now, ever since Hornet and the King came out of the Palace, arguing. She had just crouched there, watching them.

Even though she only caught bits and pieces of what they were saying, she didn't like the Pale King, for being mean to the bug in red. And also because the King seemed to dislike the small bug, Ghost. She was fond of them both already.

Now, when the King turned to go inside, Catherine wasn't going to let him go so easily. Her blue-purple eyes flashed; she leapt out of her hiding place, startling Hornet, and streaked across the grass with a hiss.

"What the-" The King tried to get out of the way, but it was too late. Catherine sprang off the ground and landed a kick straight into his pointy face.

Laughter erupted behind her.


That was fun to write, thanks again!

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