Dryya x Xero

93 3 11

Requested by @Minkle. This one will definitely be long, just telling ya.


Dryya PoV:

I scanned the bookshelves in the library for the second time, hoping to find the second book of a series I was reading. The King had granted me a break for 2 hours, and I wanted to spend it on something good. After quite some time of searching, I finally gave up and went to the librarian.

"Hi, where can I find the second book of the Adventure series?" I asked. The librarian peered at me from behind his glasses.

"I believe another bug has taken the book," he said cautiously. "But don't worry, he hasn't checked it out, just reading it for now." Thank Wyrm, I thought. This had been my third day searching. I went to the back of the library, and, sure enough, a bug was sitting on one of the chairs, reading the book I had wanted. He had long, sharp pale reddish horns and a cloak and what appeared to be armor but was really just his shell.

"Hey," I said, hoping I didn't sound aggressive. "What are you reading?" I added, even though I knew the book he was holding. The stranger gave a slight jump and looked around to see who was talking to him. 

"Dryya?" he asked. I nodded. "Oh um, I was just reading this adventure book. Is it bothering you...?" Like most bugs, he seemed slightly tongue-tied. "Uh, do you want to read it too?"

"Kinda," I admitted. "I basically tore apart the library looking for it, but you can-" I broke off as the bug shoved the book into my hands.

"Sorry," he muttered. "Didn't know."

"It's quite alright. Hey, what's your name?" The bug facepalmed, as though he couldn't believe he had forgotten to introduce himself. But then again, he probably didn't think the conversation would last long enough to give him a chance.

"Sorry," he said again. "I'm Xero." 

"No need to apologize," I scolded him playfully. "We can read this book together, if you like." As soon as the words were out, I felt myself blush slightly.

"I... would like that very much," Xero said. He opened the book to the first page and together we began to read.


It was a few weeks after we had met. I stood at the entrance to the palace, waiting for Xero. After a few moments, he appeared, as... handsome as ever. 

"Hello, Silver Rose," he greeted, using a nickname he had fashioned for me on our first date, claiming that "it fit perfectly". I still remember that time.


"You're like a silver rose," Xero had remarked out of the blue, when we were  outside, enjoying the sun. I stared at him.

"How? Unless you're talking about my shell, which does not look like-" Xero shook his head, amused.

"No. I just called you that because you always bloom for me." He leaned closer, and I didn't stop him. "I love you, Dryya." Xero closed the gap between us and we had shared our first kiss, but he pulled away rather quickly, and suddenly looked slightly nervous. "I'm sorry, I didn't know what I was think-"

"Shush," I said, leaning in. This time, he didn't pull away. The kiss wasn't heated, but contained more passion and love than existed. I had waited until we broke apart (unwillingly, but we had to breathe) when I said, "I love you too, Xero." I still remember his look of joy to this very day.


"Hey, Xero," I replied. "It's nice outside, isn't it?" Xero looked around at the lush green plants and nodded. 

"Couldn't be better. So where do you want to go?" he asked. I thought for a moment.

"Mmmmmm, maybe Calfey's again. I haven't tried the hot fudge sundae yet," I suggested. Xero rolled his eyes.

"We always go there! And it's your fault you keep spending your Geo on cherry sundaes instead of hot fudge," he objected. I shrugged.

"Well, it was you who asked me. That's always going to be my answer if you do. Also I just found out that the hot fudge sundae is 50% off, so don't blame me," I pointed out. 

"I was just wondering if you had any other ideas for places." 

"Well, I don't. So are we going to Calfey's or not?" Xero sighed, defeated.

"I guess we are, then," he replied. I grabbed his wrist and pulled him along behind me, only stopping when we reached the glass doors of my favorite restaurant.


Timeskip several months, idk, Xero PoV (Dryya left to guard the Queen):

I didn't want to do this. I really didn't. Dryya wouldn't approve, surely, but I couldn't help it. I knew my plan would succeed. I would cut down the plague that had recently emerged, and become a hero, and be free. I even dreamed about it. As I stopped pacing, my vision suddenly blurred and I saw a flash of bright light and orange. It always did that now and then, starting a few weeks ago. But this time, a voice appeared in my head.

Kill... Embrace light...

I shook my head, trying to clear it. My horns caught on a stalactite. I was in the Crossroads. The voice faded away, but came back soon as I was preparing. I hoped Dryya would forgive me for this. I hoped she'd understand. How could she spend months with me and not understand?

Destroy... Wyrm... enemy...

Then I understood. The King was an enemy. Dryya was wrong to follow him. It was him who had come up with his silly plan, something involving "purity" and "Vessels" and "Void". His plan was too slow, and the kingdom would fall before he succeeded. The only answer to the plague is violence. And I, Xero, would prove that fighting is always the key.


Dryya PoV:

The King had called me back, for reasons I didn't know. Hegemol was assigned to guard the Lady in my place for now. Apparently someone had turned against him, and I had a bad feeling I knew who it was. Now I remembered an old rule: When a trial (or execution) was happening, everyone of medium/high rank had to attend, whether they wanted to or not. I hoped that I was only summoned because of the law, not because the King wanted to punish me as well. After all, he did know about our -- mine and his -- relationship. 

He had always mentioned at a "plan" he had for fighting the Infection, and he had been spending time in the Crossroads, where there were a few Infected bugs roaming around pointlessly. I hoped that it wasn't him. I want to see the best in him.

My feeling of dread increased greatly as I walked into the throne room, and my heart seemed to fall through the ivory and silver floor as I processed the scene in front of me. I was right. It was Xero, being held in place by guards while the King was raging at him. But I heard nothing. Of course it had to be Xero. Of course I always had to be right, even when I didn't want to be. Xero turned to look at me, and with a jolt I noticed an orange sheen to his white eyes. He was Infected. Or partly, at least. I snapped out of my thoughts just in time to hear the King's last words:

"Execute him."


Dryya was killed by the Mantis Traitors shortly after this. Her spirit still resides in the Queen's Gardens, waiting for Xero.

Unfortunately, Xero's spirit, unable to rest in peace, never found his way back to her.


Wow that extra bit was depressing I almost cried. 

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