"Hey Reg?" Sirius looked at his little brother


"How is Aven? Is she okay? How's her family? How is she holding up? Is she eating well?" Sirius asked not realizing how many question he just asked

"Well, now we know what has been on your mind" James muttered and at tgat point Sirius didn't care what his best friends said. His main focus was Aven's well being.

"She's alright, i think, i don't know, but she looked happy, she's tough and i think she's eating alright but i never really eat with her so i don't know" Regulus replied as Sirius just simply nod.

"Well i wrote to her yesterday, i told her that she and Emillio should come here, but i haven't heard from her" James told them as he messed with his hair

"I'm sure she's alright" Remus smiled looking at the worried Sirius

"You love her don't you mate?" Peter asked Sirius

"I mean, she's my best friend" Sirius shrugged

"No, i think what Peter meant is you're in love with her" Regulus chimed in

"What? Me? In love? Are you all nuts" Sirius quickly interjected

"Well i me-" James interfered but got interrupted

"Come on inside" Euphemia smiled

"Thank you, Mia"

"Star?" Sirius stood up recognizing Aven's voice

"Hey Pad-" Aven greeted, but she got cut off by Sirius running up to her to give her a tight hug

"Hey there, Maxi Pads" Aven laughed hugging Sirius back

"Merlin, how are you?" Sirius asked still hugging her

"I've been alright, how are you?"

"I've been missing you like usual darling" Even though Aven couldn't see his face, she could feel the smirk on his face

"You always finds a way to flirt huh Paddy?" Aven chuckled pulling away

"What can i say, a girl like you is worth flirting with" Sirius winked

"Oi! Maybe flirt with my sister when i can't listen"

"MILO!" Sirius yelled before hugging him

"MAXI PADS!" Emillio hugged him back

"Hey Star" James hugged her tightly

"Hey Prongsie" Aven hugged him back ruffling his hair before pulling away

"How are you, Ave?" Remus asked as he hugged her

"I've been good Moony" Aven smiled

"Hey Wormmy" Aven hugged the blonde boy

"Hi Ave" Peter squeezed her in his touch

"Hi Lil Reg" Aven chuckled before hugging Regulus

"You will never stop using that nickname, will you?" Regulus chuckled, still in Aven's arm

"Never" Aven pulled away

"You're staying, right?" Sirius asked the teenage girl who was laying her head on his shoulder

"If that's okay with Prongs" Aven replied

"Oh come on my parents love you more than they love me, so you and Milo can stay as long as you want" James smiled

"Well then i'm staying" Aven laughed

"Good" Sirius muttered

"Let me get my guitar" James said out of the blue

"Are you sure your parents are okay with it?" Remus asked

"They're not here. they're on another date" James answered

"Aww they're so in love" Peter said with a huge smile on his face

"Yeah like Aven and Sirius" Emillio chuckled

"You're just jealous you don't have anyone, E" Aven stuck out her tongue

"You didn't deny it" Sirius smirked

"Fuck you, Padfoot" Aven blushed

"Aww come on now, i'm only joking" Sirius tickled her

"So young and in love" Remus shook his head

"These drums are heavy as fuck" Peter whined as the others helped him carry the drums

Since they were outside and James' house was pretty far away from his neighbors, they decided to play their instruments and sing as hard as they could.

They played a bunch of Queen songs, especially Bohemian Rhapsody, and even Sweet Home Alabama for some reason. Regulus and Emillio were dancing and singing on top of their lungs. Clearly they were having the best times of their life.

Remus was practically begging Aven to sing Can't Help Falling in Love by Elvis. So eventually, Aven agreed. During the course of the day, Sirius couldn't stop staring at her. Especially when she sung that song. Something about her singing Can't Help Falling in Love, had him weak on the knees.

"For I can't help falling in love with you" Aven sung the last line of the song

All Sirius could think about was that no matter how hard he has tried to deny his feelings for Aven, no matter how hard he has tried to push away his feelings, he still can't help but to fall in love with her. And he knew that he will never stop falling in love with her. And to him, that might be dangerous.

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