Semblance Time

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---Third POV---

Team FALN was in science class, one of the optional classes. The only reason they were there is because Faux wanted to take it. Professor Ozpin actually taught this and they were learning some physics at the moment. "Now, who can tell me what the theory of spacetime is?" Most of the class just sat awkwardly. Faux however raised his hand. "Ah, Faux, do you have a guess?" "Yes sir, it's the idea that Space and time are connected." Ozpin gave a friendly smile before answering. "Half right mister Kitsu. Spacetime theory is the idea that space and time are in essence the same thing. For example high speeds bend space and therefore we can assume that it also bends time. This was proven with high speed vehicles and a set of clocks." Ozpin went on to go into detail about how exactly it worked.

---after the class---

Faux stretched as he walked out of the classroom before turning to his teammates. "Alright guys, I think it's time we familiarise ourselves with everyone's semblance. We have a free period so why don't we head to a training room?." The rest of the team gave varying levels of enthusiasm, mostly Nova screaming. They made their way to one of the first year training rooms and found it empty.

Faux took his backpack off and set it in front of himself. "Alright I'll go first. I can condense space and basically make a bag of holding. That's how my backpack can carry all the stuff I have."

Nova jumped up and down excitedly "OOH THAT'S SO COOL, I'm just dustproof... but that works well for me!"

Ace smiled "yeah, I have zoom vision, that's about it but it makes me a good sniper."

Lee rubbed the back of his head "mines a bit easier if i show you guys." he then tapped the ground, summoning a massive nevermore. "I can summon things that have died and store them in my shadow. I haven't found a limit yet but I'm at 8 now." They all looked in awe before Ace spoke up "Isn't that the nevermore we killed at initiation?" Lee laughed nervously, "Yeah it is, probably one of the more powerful ones I have."

Ace was clearly in deep thought about something, and this didn't go unnoticed by Faux. "So what ya thinking about zoom boi?" Ace snapped out of his thoughts before looking at Faux curiously "So you can condense space right?" Faux nodded. "Well then would it be too much of a stretch to say you could potentially control space in other ways?"

Faux sat there surprised by Ace's observation. He looked at his hands and then at his backpack. "I mean, yeah I can do stuff like move objects around and even teleport myself but I don't do that for a few reasons. Mainly I can't control it very well, mainly the last and only time I tried teleporting someone else..." Nova stopped jumping "what exactly happened, if you don't mind me asking?" Lee spoke up "I was sent into the future about a week."

The general reaction was silence. "And that's why I don't teleport other people. Thought I killed Lee till he popped up in our apartment a week later. So he did go from place to place, but also from time to time. That's actually why I knew about how space time works."

Faux then stood up. "Well you fuckers, lets see who wins a free for all"

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