Chapter 13 - Fledgling

Start from the beginning

"Shouldn't we get her to your office?" Severus asked, "Or the hospital?"

The specialist looked at Severus and blinked as she replied, "Miss Potter and her baby have done extremely well these last few months. I can't identify any current risks that would make it dangerous to stay here for the birth. I assure you, sir, there's nothing I can do at my office that I can't do here. Besides, many omegas despise hospitals. If it's Miss Potter's wish to transfer, we certainly can, but she may prefer the comfort of her home and her nest at a time like this. Miss Potter," the specialist asked as she looked at Harriet, "Where would you like to be?"

"Please.........I just want to go to sleep right now." Harriet repeated with a yawn.

"Then try to get some rest. " The specialist nodded with a smile before she stood and left the room.

Severus glanced down at Harriet with his brow furrowed in worry as she pulled him down beside herself and closed her eyes.

Harriet began to drift off to sleep, but Severus remained wide awake.

How could he possibly rest when he knew what was to come?


Attempting to get some sleep before fledgling's arrival proved to be more of a frustration than a success for Mother Hen.

She was terribly drowsy, but every time she managed to doze, another irritating pain radiated through her abdomen and shook her awake.

Once Harriet was able to completely relax after a contraction and make herself comfortable, she would close her eyes, fall into a void of dreamless sleep again..........then another pain would strike.

Severus was beside her the entire time.

He tried to provide gentle support without being in the way, which was more difficult than it sounded as Harriet clawed her way around her nest while she tossed and turned.

After Harriet spent a couple of hours fighting herself, in the middle of yet another aggravating spasm, she put a hand up to her forehead and hissed, "This isn't working!"

"Shall we try changing activities?" Severus asked quietly as he hovered over her.

Father Raven wanted very much to touch Mother Hen's aching belly, but he was frightened that if he did, she may liberate his hand from his wrist.

"I don't know what else to do!" Harriet sighed in desperate vexation, "Am I supposed to sit and stare at the walls?!"

"We could play a game of chess." Severus suggested as Harriet blinked up at him.


By the time that Severus and Harriet sat at the table in her bedroom, deeply engaged in a match of wizard's chess, her contractions were coming regularly every twenty minutes.

The pain had increased but Harriet remained able to chat with Severus through each one, barely.

Severus watched her concentrate on the game and it gave him hope that by allowing her body to do some of the work without the hindrance of her mind, she may have a fairly easy delivery.

Every time Harriet tensed and put a hand on her womb, Severus stared at her worriedly until she managed to whisper to him, "I'm fine, I'm's your turn."

Harriet would nod at the board and Severus would make his move, but as soon as he had finished sliding the chess pieces around, he resumed his diligent study of Harriet.

Father Raven and Mother Hen: A Snarry DramaWhere stories live. Discover now