I couldn't  tell if she stopped to ask for directions or if two men would come out of nowhere and push me in the jeep.

As if reading my mind she spoke up " You live on Mapel street If I remember correctly right? "

" Yeah "

" How about I drop you over? It's pretty late " she offered the warmest smile.

My mom always told me to never accept anything from strangers , so ignoring her I gladly accepted the drive , my feet were sore and I'm pretty sure I could handle the old lady if things went downhill.

Opening the  door ,  I was stunned at the sight before me.

" Rory? " my mind spoke out.

He was sleeping , his head rested on his hand and his bag still on his back .

" You guys know each other? " she asked driving off.

That's when I finally remembered, this was the same jeep that picked him up the other day , and she must the Aunt he talked about!

Suddenly I wasn't as tense as I was as before and finally relaxed in the seat.

" Kind of " I said looking over at him " I don't think he's too fond of me though " I said letting out a dry laugh.

" Ohh , don't worry " she fanned her hand " That's just how he is , he's not the best when it comes to expressing his feelings " she finished , her voice slightly dropping on the last word.

The rest of car ride was filled with peaceful silence , and eventually we were already at the front of my house.

" Thanks for the ride Miss " I said slipping out the car and offering a smile.

She smiled " Do, call me Miss Lucy and send my greetings to your mother  "

" Will do " I said taking one last glance at Rory who was still asleep.

If only he was this peaceful all the time,  tcht

Miss Lucy didn't drive off until I opened the door , ensuring my safety.

Walking in , it was evident my sister was home , which meant so was my little brother .

Speaking of the devil

I was already being enveloped by the 6 year old's  pair of tiny hands .

" Sup little guy " I said ruffling his hair to which he just looked up and smiled his almost non-existent teeth showing.

" Did Jade give you something to eat already? "

" No " he said shaking his head .

" Alright,  go play I'll make us something  yeah? "

And with that he was already gone .

Setting aside my bag , I made my way to the kitchen .

" What to cook...what to cook " I muttered to myself leaning on the counter.

" Mom? "

" Hello darling " she breathed out.

She was holding a crate of cupcakes , most likely leftovers going expired  from the bakery.

" Why are you still in your uniform?

" I went to a meeting today actually " I spoke with confidence .

" And what meeting was that ? "

" I'm the new vice president of our class " I boasted.

She was silent as if trying to process the information she just received " Your not lying to me now are you-"

" Mom.. "

Walking over to me she gently placed her hands on my cheek " Well I'm proud of you "

Now that... that made me smile .

Slipping from under her touch , I reached for the pot realizing I hadn't even started my cooking .

" But , wasn't it hard to get a drive ? "

" No actually , This woman named Miss Lucy saw me and offered me a drive, I think it was because she recognized my uniform "

" Oh Miss Lucy , she work's with Bianchis honestly she's just the sweetest person , I should thank her sometime "

" Work? " I questioned.

" Yeah , she's been with them for as long as Mr.Bianchi's son was wearing diapers "

" Isn't she his Aunt ? "

" Aunt? No , no , the boy hasn't had a mother figure in his life besides her " she said unpacking the crate, " his mom left wanting to live her life and never came back... I heard the poor boy  isn't in contact with any of his family members on his mom's side " .

" Oh.."

The Class Clown And The Class PresidentWhere stories live. Discover now