Rory Pov

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Waking up I briefly studied my surroundings only to register there was something leaning on me. I nearly jumped when I saw Josh's face only inches away from mine . I was pretty sure my heart was beating faster than the required speed .

 It slowly  went back to it's normal pace when I realized he was fast asleep . I was confused until the memories of what happened quickly returned . I had fainted..... but then I remembered the whole reason why....

I like Josh .

That same feeling of confusion , fear and....affection?  was all crawling back . I felt sick again as all the thoughts of how wrong what I was feeling was or what my Dad or Miss Lucy think of me  if they ever found out or even though I've never liked a girl in my entire life maybe I just haven't met the right one yet or-

My thoughts were quickly disrupted when I felt  Josh slightly shift beside me but seeing his chest rise and fall at a steady pace caused all  my worrisome thoughts to fade .

He looked so peaceful and calm.

How could something like this be wrong? What's so wrong with this? . It's a natural feeling that I can't control why do I have to feel guilty if It's not my fault .

 I liked having him close to me and I liked the thought of us being alone with no one to judge me . Honestly if there was a way to bippity boppity me to liking the first girl I lay eyes on I would gladly take it just to avoid whatever this might bring but right now I felt safe? comfortable? , whatever you might use to describe this , I didn't want to let it go.... not right now at least.



 I was awakened to a eager looking Josh hovering above me .

"Yes?" I answered sitting up and slightly covering my mouth knowing I had quite the unpleasant morning breath.

 "Ok listen keenly " he said pressing down on both sides of my shoulder . " Mr. Murphy is coming to check on you in about five minutes I need you to convince him you still feel sick , and before you say anything think about it , we could spend the whole day here just relaxing "

" We? How are you going to stay? " I spoke removing his hands slowly .

" I'll volunteer to watch over you duhh " 

" No- "

" But- "

" No "

"Morning boys , can I come him?" Mr. Murphy shout whispered while knocking on the door.

" Yes sir " Josh answered.

Seeing the door open , I quickly closed my eyes and  went back into my former sleeping position.

" Is he feeling any better?" I heard Mr. Murphy ask .

 " I tried waking him up this morning but he just wanted to sleep " I heard him answer in a  pitiful voice.

 that bloody liar

Hearing footsteps I quickly but smoothly relaxed my face to make my sleeping look believable.

" Rory? "  

I felt him gently shake me and took that as the prefect opportunity to wake up .

" You think you could join us today? " Mr. Murphy asked giving me a pitiful look .

" I'm not sure Sir , my head still hurts and I feel like I could throw up any second now but I could try " I lied putting on my distressed morning voice .

He was silent for a bit before finally speaking up " No It's best you stay , I'll ask the staff to check up on you every once in a while ok? " 

I was going to agree but Josh spoke up before me .

" Sir I can stay with him " 

" No , you've already missed out on almost an entire session yesterday "

" It's really not that important for me Sir , I'm already sure about what I want to do and where I want to study , besides Is it really safe leaving him by himself? anything could happen between those time frames of someone checking up on him , what if he faints again? . I really don't mind staying I even asked Maleek and Kile to take notes for Rory and help watch the class "

You know he would've had me until that last part.

Sir was silent once again before breathing out  fine , he told us he would pay for our meals once again  along with a set of rules he trusts us to maintain and with that he was off.

Once he shut the door I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding . Finally looking over at Josh he was already looking at me , a proud smirk plasted on his face . I couldn't help the smile that also slowly made it's way up to my face .

" How was that for awesome? " 

" Whatever I'm going back to sleep , what you said about Maleek taking my notes better be true " I said drawing my sheet above my head and facing the other direction.

" What's that? You think I'm awesome and know you couldn't even compete? pshht " I couldn't see him but I just knew he fanned me off " Your too modest  Rory.....Truthful...but modest "

This bitch-

Ignoring him I rolled my eyes knowing he couldn't see and went back to sleep.


It was around ten something by time I was fully awake . I had already eaten breakfast and showered and now all that was left was to stare into the void filled ceiling .

Looking over at Josh , he was playing some game on his laptop but It was obvious from the way he was playing that he too was getting bored .

" I have an idea " he turned his head catching me staring.

" No " I stared back ignoring the fact that I was caught.

" how about we go on a little adventure? " he smiled.

" No , Sir distinctively emphasized on the no leaving the room rule and you know that " 

" Yeah but- " 

" Do you remember what happened last time  or do you have the memory of a goldfish? " I said pointing to myself .

The smile quickly faded from his face " Oh Yeah , your right " 

There was an awkward silence before I grabbed my phone and started making my way over to the door.

" Where are you going? " 

" To commit arson , you coming? " 

His smile was back as if it had never disappeared  as he excitedly grabbed his belongings and rushed to open the door for me .

Rolling my eyes I took him up on the offer making sure to drag the door shut just before he could step out . 

" You think your funny? " I heard him say behind me and before I knew it I was in a head lock .

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