Josh Pov

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3:40 p.m

" Stop right there ! " The soldier
barked .

Running as fast as I could I was quickly out of his sight.

" Josh? " I heard a familiar voice say .

Looking around I couldn't find the source of the voice but it sounded so close .

" JOSH "

Bolting awake , I frantically started looking around . I was in math and the class was empty .

Turning around I was met with a bored looking Rory .

" Officer? " I questioned but he was already walking away .

Hurriedly gathering my status I quickly caught up to him.

" Thanks for waking me up " I smiled , playfully  throwing my hands around his shoulder .

Aggresively pushing them off he answered " The teacher asked me to " .

I could tell he was lying but chose to just go along with it .

" By the way , had no idea you were related to a model hmmm... Elsa was it? " I questioned placing my hands around his shoulder once again .

This time he didn't budge but just simply sighed .

" It's  Ember and... " he paused " Thanks for you know what you did at the party and stuff "

He was avoiding eye contact but I could tell he meant it by the tone of his voice .

Smiling to myself I answered " I was just being a decent human after all I'm sure you'd do the same for me "

His head quickly snap up a look of confusion on his face before it softened " Oh..yeah... definetly "

Laughing we continued walking , realizing my hand was still around his shoulders I gently slid them off  , the atmosphere suddenly changing .

" By the way , I mean this in the most non - disrespectful way but you didn't snoop around my room ...right? " he suddenly asked.

" Well , will you look at that , we're already here " I slipped into the classroom,  purposefully ignoring the question.

Walking over to Maleek I sat down.

" What took you so long? " he questioned.

" I fell asleep , besides I dont see Mr. Murphy here yet either ".

" Fair point ".

" Do you think we should drop by the shelter  today? " he smiled .

Maleek had an unhealthy love for animals , his parents don't allow him to have any so he started visiting the town's pet shelter and volunteered to drop by help around when he's available . Kile and I join him sometimes but once we're there he forgets we even exist  .

" Sure " , I didn't mind helping out plus I miss them .

We continued to talk about the most random things without even realizing what was going on around us.

Hearing a loud knock everyone including me turned around  .

" You guys are too loud " Rory gave everyone a deadpan look .

Off course no other than the mug rat had to say something .

" We know your the president Rory but we weren't even that loud " shawn   hissed at him.

" Really? cause your mouth seemed to be loudest if you ask me ...hmm but who am I to say anything. " I shrugged " ..oh right the vice president! " , shawn simply rolled his .

" And you what I can do? " I said pulling out a small black book to which the whole class looked confused .

" I don't know if you all knew this buttt this special little book here can be given to the presidents of each class and once your name is in it more than three times you get an automatic demerit "  I smiled .

" Bullshit " Shawn spoke .

" Well then you get the honour of being the first name in here " I said scribbling it down .

" Kid's dont be like Shawn " I said giving the rest of a class a thumbs up .

Giving a special smile to Rory , I sat back down satisfied with the decrease of noise .

" Are you lying? " Maleek whispered .

" Yeah " I said trying not to laugh .

On que Mr Murphy came walking in .

" I should really work on my time shouldn't I ? " he let out a chuckle . " Sorry I was printing out ...these " he said lifting a few papers .

" Rory and Josh hand them out and take one for yourselves  " .

Doing as were told , we handed them out before taking back our seats . Reading the paper I was suddenly in a better mode .

" As you all know , the year 13's go on a trip every year to the Career Convention , please give your parents the permission slips and have them back by friday along with the fee " clapping his hands he continued " Your dismissed ".

4:09 p.m

" Aren't you guys excited? " I buzzed .

" Yeah , but maybe not as much you " Kile added .

" Your lame , besides I heard there's a party on the last day of the convention that's hosted by some unknown spectator every year "

" And where did you get this information?" Maleek Judged .

" No he's right , My cousin went last year " Kile added.

" Your cousin's 20 something " Maleek voiced my thoughts .

" Yeah , He said it was huge last year that even college students showed up " he smirked .

" Awesomee " I buzzed .

" For you " Maleek mumbled.

" It's getting late , want me to ask my driver to drop y'all off? " Kile said signalling to the black limousine that pulled up . We were used to it , it was no secret how rich he was , but what always puzzled me was how everytime the topic of his parents occupation was brought up he always dodged the question and there could be only so many answers as to why,  answers that were propably left un-answered .

" But Josh and I- " Maleek suddenly answered " you know what , It's cool , there's always another day " he smiled . A smile I could tell was fake.

" Are you sure? " I said placing my hands on his shoulder .

" Yeah bro  " he assured us .

The drive was awesome as it always was whenever we took it . Shortly Maleek was the first one to be dropped off and then me . Saying goodbye to Shawn I went inside .

Nothing could ruin my mood today .

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