Chapter Ten Nightmare

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I sit up in panic.
"It was just a dream" I say. "Just a dream." I lie back down.
"Come on Rowan" I hear my aunt call. "You have to go to your new house right now."
"Right now?" I yell.
"Yes" she screams back. "Take the stuff you really need."
I grab a big bag and stuff make-up, clothes, a brush, and some other things. I leave my school bag.
The car ride there is a bit depressing. Slowly the big, colourful houses slowly turn into dark shades of small houses.
"Here we are" my dad says. "Here's the key dear. Lock the house right away this isn't the best neighbourhood." Then he leaves to get more of our stuff.
I look at my brother like this idea is crazy. Which it IS!
We pull our stuff into the house.
It's is still kind of big. But 5 times smaller than the old house.
"Hey this isn't our furniture" I say pointing to the old couch.
"We had to sell them for money."
"Why?" I ask.
"Since when do we worry about money?"
"When dad found out mom has cancer he got really mad. He talked back to his boss and accidentally shipped thousands of the product to.... Taiwan. He was supposed to send it to Britain. He cost the company billions."
"But it is dad's company. How can he get fired from his own job?"
"When I meant boss, I meant bank. For the time being one of them is controlling the bank. They bought it off of him. He's working as a cashier for now."
"I don't understand. What's going to happen?"
"Shut up Rowan." He looks at me. "Stop asking so many questions. We are now two million dollars in debt!"
I run to my room, or what I think is my room and collapse on the bed.
Everyone hates me, my mom has cancer, and we're having financial problems.
"Hey" my brother says coming into the room. He must be here to apologize. "This is my room." I pick up the pillow and throw it at him and he catches it. "Nice try" he says.
I run out of the room and into the next room that has a sign that says my name.
This can't be true. Now of this is real. Maybe I'm just in a nightmare. A terrible, horrible nightmare.
A nightmare I can't escape.

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