He Likes Warm Hugs

76 9 3

December 14th - Snowman
Peter -11
Susan - 10
Edmund -8
Lucy - 5


Lucy looked up from her new teddy bear she was playing with, smiling widely when she looked out the window. "It's snowing!" She said, running over to look out.

Edmund looked up from the book he had been reading on the living room floor, he smiled when he saw that it was in fact snowing. He ran over to the window to join his sister, staring at the snow with big, bright eyes. "Can we go play in it?"

"Yeah, can we?" Lucy asked, turning to face her parents, who were both sitting on the couch. "Pleaseeee?"

"Sure." Mrs. Pevensie said, smiling at them. "But not alone, Peter or Susan have to come out with you."

Peter and Susan glanced at each other, smiling slightly.

"I'll go." Peter said, as he stood up.

"I'll come too." Susan said.

"You kids have fun." Mr. Pevensie said, taking a drink of hot chocolate.

"And don't forget to bundle up." Mrs. Pevensie said.

"We won't!" Peter called, as the four children left the room.

About fifteen minutes later, the four children were standing outside in the snow.

Lucy was looking up at the sky, a huge smile on her face as she watched the snowflakes fall.

Edmund was trying his very hardest to make a snowball, but he didn't seem to be having too much luck.

"Here Ed, let me show you how." Peter said, laughing a little as he walked up to his brother.

"Put that down, and make a new one." Peter told him.

Edmund nodded and threw down the snowball he'd attempted to make, before he grabbed some more snow.

Peter grabbed a handful too, so he could show his brother how to do it. "You have to pack the snow tightly, so that it sticks together."

"Like this?" Edmund asked.

"Yeah, good job." Peter said.

Edmund giggled a little.

"Now you just roll it in your hands so that it will turn into a ball." Peter told him.

"I did it!" Edmund said, once the snow in his hands suddenly turned into a snowball.

Peter laughed a little. "You did, Edmund. Great job!"

Edmund smiled widely and laughed a little before he threw the snowball at his brother.

Peter gasped a little bit, causing Edmund to laugh even harder. "Did you throw that snowball at me?"

Edmund quickly shook his head.

"No?" Peter questioned. "Then who did?"

Edmund's eyes went wide as he frantically tried to come up with an answer. "Um...she did!" He said, pointing at Susan.

"She did?!" Peter questioned.

Edmund quickly nodded. "Yep, I saw her."

Peter raised his eyebrows at his sister. "Is that true, Susan? Did you throw a snowball at me?"

Susan looked down at Edmund, before she smirked up at Peter. "Nooo." She said slowly. "But, I did throw this one!"

The second Susan finished her sentence she threw a snowball at Peter, and he gasped.

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