Eating it is Way More Fun

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December 3rd - Gingerbread

Lucy: 6
Edmund: 9
Peter: 12

"Hey, Lucy." Edmund said, walking up to his little sister.

"Hi!" Lucy said, smiling at him from where she sat at the kitchen table.

"What you doing?" Edmund asked.

"I'm making a gingerbread house!" Lucy answered excitedly.

Edmund smiled widely. "Can I eat it when you're done?"

"No silly, it's for decorating not eating." Lucy said, laughing.

"What's the point of making a gingerbread house if you don't eat it?" Edmund asked.

"For fun." Lucy answered simply.

"Eating it is way more fun that making it."  Edmund said.

Lucy only giggled. "I need some more frosting." She said, walking over to the counter to grab some.

Edmund figured now was the time to take his chance, so he quickly reached over and grabbed a piece of the gingerbread house. He chewed and swallowed quickly so Lucy wouldn't notice.

Lucy sighed happily as she sat down, but after a moment she frowned. "Where's the door?"

"What do you mean?" Edmund asked innocently.

"The door to the house is gone!" Lucy said.

"Maybe it...maybe it...fell off!" Edmund said, quickly trying to come up with an excuse.

Lucy furrowed her eyebrows, before sighing and going back to building her gingerbread house.

Edmund breathed a sigh of relief when she didn't ask if he'd eaten it. Maybe he would get away with this after all.

Lucy set about frosting the roof of the house. It took her a while, but eventually she did it. She added five gumdrops around the edges of the roof, before going to get some more candy. But when she came back, her eyes went wide.

"My gumdrops!" She shouted.

"What about them?" Edmund asked, hiding the two he didn't have time to eat behind his back.

Lucy's eyes went wide as she realized what was happening. "You ate them!"

"No, I didn't!" Edmund quickly lied.

"Yes, you did!" Lucy said, crossing her arms. "And you ate my door too."

"Did not!" Edmund said.

"Did too!"

"Did not!"

"You did too!"


Edmund and Lucy turned around to see Peter in the doorway, staring at them.

"What's going on guys?" Peter asked, walking into the room.

"Edmund ate part of my gingerbread house! I know he did because five of my gumdrops are missing, and the door disappeared." Lucy said, looking up at Peter with bug blue puppy dog eyes.

Peter turned to his little brother. "Is this true, Edmund? And don't lie to me. It's Christmas, remember? You know what happens if you're naughty."

Edmund's eyes went wide. He didn't want to get in trouble for eating Lucy's gingerbread house, but he also didn't want to get coal in his stocking for lying two times in a row. So, he sighed before slowly nodding his head.

"I knew it!" Lucy said.

"Why did you eat Lucy's gingerbread house, Ed?" Peter asked gently, kneeling in front of his brother.

Edmund stared at his brother with wide eyes before he answered. "I just wanted to try some! I asked her if I could eat it, but she said no."

"She said no, but you ate it anyway?" Peter questioned.

Edmund sighed, nodding slowly.

"That wasn't very nice, Edmund." Peter told him.
"Apologize to Lucy."


"Ed." Peter cut him off. "Say you're sorry."

"Alright." Edmund said with a sigh. He slowly walked over to Lucy. "I'm sorry."

Lucy stared at him for a moment before a small smile graced her lips. "It's alright." She said.

Edmund smiled back at her, gasping in surprise when she hugged him. But he hugged her back, smiling as he did.

Peter smiled as he watched, grateful for how quickly children could make up with each other. After a moment, he had an idea that would make everyone happy. "Okay, guys."

Edmund and Lucy looked up at their brother as they pulled apart.

"So, Lucy you want the house to he for decoration, but Edmund wants to eat it. Right?"

"Right." They both said.

"I think I have a solution." Peter said, walking over to cabinet.

"What is it?" Lucy asked.

Peter turned around, smiling at his siblings.
"We make another gingerbread house." He said simply.

Lucy and Edmund only stared at him, causing Peter to chuckle, before walking over to the table.

"We can make another gingerbread house, just for us to eat. Then Lucy's can still be a decoration for Christmas."

Edmund and Lucy looked at each other, before they both smiled widely. "That's perfect!" Edmund said, excitedly. He began taking the gingerbread house out of the box, too anxious to wait.

"Yeah!" Lucy said. "Can I have some too?"

"Of course you can, Lu." Peter answered, chuckling."

"Yay!" Lucy said. "Thanks Peter!"

"Yeah, thanks, Pete." Edmund said, a wide smile on his face.

Peter chuckled, smiling at them. "You're welcome."


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