A Perfect Start to Christmas

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December 10th - The White Witch

"Hello, Edmund."

Edmund sighed at the sound of the voice, recognizing immediately. When he did, it sent chills down his spine. "No." He said, swallowing hard as he looked up at The White Witch. "You're dead."

"No." Jadis said, smirking at the young boy. "I'm alive in your head, and I will always be alive in your head. So if you think about it logically, I'm actually alive."

Edmund only stared at her, swallowing hard. She was definitely right about her being alive in his head, although he wished she wasn't.

Jadis circled Edmund as she began to speak. "Last time we were together, you broke my wand. And now, it's time to punish you for that.

Edmund's eyes went insanely wide at this, and his heart skipped a beat. "You stabbed me with it?! Don't you think that's punishment enough?!"

Jadis laughed at this. "It would have been...if you died."

Edmund swallowed hard at this, thinking to himself that death would have probably been less painful. Though he didn't dare tell her that. "So...you're going to kill me?"

"Not yet." She answered in a sickly sweet voice. "But I will. Trust me, I will."

Edmund took a deep breath as he stared at her, trying his best to hide the fear he was feeling.

"First, I'm going to torture you."

She said this so casually it sent shivers up Edmund's spine.

"Then, I'm going to get your family-"

"My family?!" Edmund said quickly. "No."

"Yes." Jadis said, an evil smile on her face. "I'm going to bring your family here, and kill them. While you watch."

Edmund's breathing stopped completely. "No." He choked. "Please, please don't kill them. Kill me 100 times over, but don't hurt them."

Jadis smiled at him. "I thought you might say that. Which is how I know this is the perfect way to punish you for breaking my wand."

Edmund's heart began to pound and breathing became extremely difficult. His family would die because of something he did?! It wasn't right! But he knew he could never change The Witches mind. "Please." He tried one last time. "Do whatever you want to me, hurt me, torture me, kill me! Please don't hurt my family though."

"Begging won't change my mind, Edmund." Jadis said, pulling a whip out of thin air. "It will only make their death, and your torture much more painful."

Edmund sighed sadly as tears stung his eyes, but he would not give Jadis the satisfaction of seeing him cry.

"Take off your shirt."

Edmund didn't hesitate in doing as the witch said, knowing there would be grave consequences if he disobeyed.

Jadis smiled as she looked at Edmund's bare, pale skin. She loved the thought of making it rip open and bleed, causing Edmund unbearable pain. "Let's do this, shall we?"

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