Hatsume Mei

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God dammit Hatsume! Power Loader yelled. Burn marks settled on the walls as a small fire was being extinguished on one of Hatsumes new babies. Said girl wrung her hands behind her back as she stared at the floor, as time could guess her newest baby exploded and this time left the support department in complete disaster.

Hatsume was at a loss, her favorite teacher sounded mad. Im sorry Sensei, I just thought−

Exactly! You thought! Hatsume flinched as Power Loader yelled at her again. Seeing this, Maijima sighed as he rubbed his temples, closing his eyes. Listen, you know that you have to get peer AND teacher reviews before building whatever you want. We implemented that rule to counterbalance you! Hatsume started to cave into herself, fresh tears building up in her eyes.

Maijima sighed again, lowering down to her level. Hatsume, look at me, after a few seconds and a couple sniffles, Power Loader finally saw her yellow eyes stare into his. I can no longer let you get away with blowing up the school. You are on suspension for three days and you cant walk in here for the rest of the week. You are one of my best students, so I expected you to follow the rules. You forgot and now you are suffering the consequences.

Hatsume stilled, her head hang low again as her eyes grew wide. Did he really ban her from building for a week? Her tears fell faster, as her emotions built up inside of her. What more could she do? She felt her heart shatter, the pieces too small to put back together. She sobbed hard as her feet carried her back to her dorm room, the tears never stopping.

Hatsume crashed on her bed, hiding her face into her pillow as she continued to sob. She didnt really have any friends to vent to, and that thought just made her cry more.

Soon enough, she felt exhaustion begin to tug at her eyelids. Maybe, she could stay asleep for the rest of the week. Nothing else she could do

- - - - -

Hatsume groaned, the pain that rolled through her stomach accompanied by the tell-tale grumble prompted her to get up. She scratched her head as she stood up, slowly walking around the mess she left on the floor. She stopped. She didnt want to go out there if her classmates are still up, they would hate her for making their teacher angry. All Might knew that all the teachers were stressed after the death of that 1-A kid.

Hatsume looked back down at the floor, before heading back to her bed. Ill wait til 3 a.m...

Hatsume sat with her back facing the headboard. Grabbing her cellphone, she browsed the internet, trying to find something that would cure her boredom. She eventually found conspiracy theories that piqued her interest. On her screen was a lady putting on makeup as she talked about the conspiracy theories.

This is not one that many have thought of, and Im fairly sure Im the only one who thought of this. So, with all these new inventions and technology people can create anything theyre really invested in, right? So, in movies particularly in the pre-quirk era had this theme of mind control from machines. So, I was thinking; could we make this come true? Hatsume widened her eyes as she now put all her attention on the screen. Im not smart enough to invent such a thing, but maybe you can use a brainwasher quirks blood and create a machine along the lines of the popular movies back in the day!

Hatsumes mood lifted as she scrambled off the bed, diving for her desk. She smiled as she grabbed paper and pens, spending the rest of the night brainstorming ideas for her new baby. She was only brought out when her desk lamp shorted out.

God dammit. Hatsume mumbled, turning off the lamp and reaching inside to grab the dead bulb. She had her whole hand on the bulb when she heard a soft click and pain erupted through her body.

She couldnt feel anything but heat. Pure blinding heat. There was too much, and yet she couldnt fully feel the pain. Her vision turned dark and blurry. She smelled charcoal or was that beef? Was someone screaming? Why can she barely hear them? There seemed to be a metallic taste in her mouth, and a large solid bit.

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