Chapter 20

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We did not end up doing anything crazy, I swear. We made out for a bit on the couch and after that we just talked, my legs intertwined with his. Between work and trying to keep our secret a secret, we didn't get the chance to talk much so it is nice to just chat and get to know each other better.

After an hour or so I get up to get us something to turn on some music. "So," I say, while sitting down again, "What is this?"

Rob looks up from his corner of the sofa, "What is what?"

Teasingly I squeeze his foot, "I mean what are we?"

"Oh," he nods, leaning in a little bit, "I guess this is what people would call an affair." He punctuates his sentence with a wink.

My face instantly turns red, "I guess so."

He tries to sit upright and leans over, reaching his hand to mine. "Deal?" he asks, with a big smile on his face.

I smile too and shake his hand, "Deal."

The touch of his hand excites me, but not as much as his words. An affair. With him. Somewhere in the back of my mind a voice says that I should be way more embarrassed about this. About all of it. But I don't care. All I can see is him.

The handshake becomes an embrace, which then quickly turns into a kiss. Not for the first time, his presence overwhelms and intoxicates me. The way he smells, how his fingers curl op in my hair, and how his lips gently touch mine; for just this moment it fills up my entire world, driving out any mundane concerns about work, the planet in general, or, more pressing, my marriage. Those issues all seem small and insignificant in comparison to the man in my arms.

"Does this mean we're going to repeat last night? I mean if we have an affair" I whisper, as my hands explore his chest. His lips tickle my neck, "Well I was hoping we could spice it up a little bit." At those words I feel blood rushing to my face, though not only to my face... Rob notices and chuckles. "I take that as a 'yes,'" he says while caressing my inner thigh. My fingers fidget with the seam of his sweater, ready to take it off, but, unfortunately, our moment gets interrupted by a notification on Rob's phone. With a sight he sits up right and grabs his phone from the coffee table, his left hand luckily still firmly placed on my thigh. I like it there.

"Stefan texted me," he says, the smile that was so prominently fixed on his face moments before fading away.

"Oh, what did he say?" I try to sound casual, but I think I fail at hiding my curiosity.

"Nothing much," Rob answers, "He just asked me if I would like to go out for dinner tonight and whether I'm going to be out all day." He shrugs his shoulders, "I guess he noticed I'm not home." A hint of spite is noticeable in those last words.

"Oh, that sound's nice," I say. Knowing I will have to face my wife again this evening and sleep next to her instead of Rob, I can't help feeling a bit sad. Moreover, the thought of him going out with someone else annoys me, to say the least. God jealously is such an awful emotion. And one I am not allowed to feel.

A soft squeeze in my thigh interrupts my train of thought. "Jesse, I think I should go."

I look up into his eyes, who say it all. We don't need to speak about how our newly discovered happiness is inherently limited in nature. We know. Talking about how we will both have to take up our respective lives after these intense, ecstatic 24 hours will only make it hurt more.

"Don't be sad," he says, a faint smile resting on his lips, "We'll see each other soon enough."

I nod, "Yes we will."

We both get up from the couch and I take the coffee mugs into the kitchen. I'll have to wash those before my family comes back, or else there might be questions. Covering up my tracks.

Rob puts his shoes back on and picks up his bag in the hallway. I follow him to the back door. For a moment we just stand there but then he wraps his arms around me and presses his lips against mine. The kiss is more urgent this time, as if he's trying to save the memory of it. At least, that's what I'm doing.

After what feels as too little time, he pulls away.

"Goodbye," he says, "I'll see you soon." I nod, "Yeah, I'll see you." The words might appear reassuring, but his eyes tell my what my heart already knows; they're just words. Who knows when we'll get a change again? To really see each other. To be utterly ourselves, just the two of us. To be together.

"You can always text me, if you want." The words leave my mouth before I know it, but I don't regret them. Rob smiles again and leans in for one last kiss, "I will." 

*Hello okay guys, where do we want this to go? Like I could see this turning into more smut, but also less. Depends on what you guys want :) 

You Robbed My Heart - Jesse Klaver X Rob Jetten AU FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now