Chapter 3

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Jesse gets out of the car first, before I can get out and open the door for him. I can't help but notice again that he looks handsome. Green is a good color on him. He shrugs a bit awkwardly. "Shall we then?" He asks, with a smile on his face. I nod and follow him to the start of the hiking trail. It's beautiful here, and I am relieved to notice that we are the only people in sight. Quite frankly, I have no idea what I would say or do if someone would recognize us. Would it be believable if I said that we're just hanging out as friends? Is that something people would believe politicians would do? For fucks sake, we're not even in the same party.

We start walking, and out of pure nerves I start talking about political theory again. I always do that when I'm nervous. As if a conversation about the democratic peace theory has ever eased the tension before in any situation. Jesse listens for a while, but then he interrupts me. "I love it when you get all excited about nerdy stuff," he says, with a shimmer in his eyes. He stops walking, so I stop too. He looks me in my eyes, with that signature Jesse look that leaves teenage girls swooning, "There's something I've been wanting to do for a while now, may I?" My heart starts beating in my chest as I look into his deep brown eyes. What does he mean by that? I swallow a bit nervously and nod, "Yeah sure, go ahead." I barely finish my sentence before he puts his arm around my waist and pulls me closer. We've never been this close before, but I don't have time to get used to it because his other hand cups my cheek and then he kisses me.

His lips feel warm, and they take me by surprise. I'm completely overwhelmed. Taken aback. For a brief moment it's weird and awkward, but then it's not. As the world seems to dissolve around us, I wrap my arms around him and answer his kiss passionately. My legs are shaking but he holds me close, so I don't fall down. Please, let this go on forever. I run my hands through his hair, by his cheek and across his back. When we stop, the world quickly rematerializes again. "Wow." That's the only I can say, with a dumb smile on my face. Jesse smiles too. "Yes," he says. He looks a bit flustered with his rosy cheeks and brown curls. I can barely comprehend it. We kissed. I felt his lips on mine. "S-should we start walking again?" I stutter. God, I wish I had something cool to say right now. "Let's do that," he answers, while biting his lip. He takes my hand and briefly squeezes it. My head feels light, but I lean in again, eager to be as close to him as just now. I give him a quick kiss on his lips, not yet used to the idea that I can kiss this guy. And then we start walking again.

A bit awkwardly I hold on to his hand. I've wanted to hold it for weeks now, so I'm not ready to let go now, but it's weird. I can't quite place it. It's not that I've never held hands with someone before, my boyfriend and I do it all the time. It's just that this is Jesse freaking Klaver. Handsome and intelligent. A force of nature. "Everything okay?" Jesse's question pulls me back to reality. I turn my head to look him in the eyes, almost immediately wishing I didn't. His eyes make my stomach do a somersault. "What?" I ask a bit unsure, while quickly focusing on the trail in front of us again. He chuckles, "You were frowning." "Oh yeah, I tend to do that a lot," I smile sheepishly. "I've noticed." He answers. "You have?" I don't really succeed in hiding my surprise in that question. He chuckles again. It's a pleasant sound. "Of course. Jeez Rob, we've been working again for a while now." I nod, as if that's only occurring to me now.

The trail leads us deeper into the forest. Here, the trees with their green leaves give the world a soft, green glow. Meanwhile, I'm still desperately trying to think of something cool, or at least sensitive, to say. As the silence continues, I feel things getting awkward again. Slowly, the guy next to me transforms into my colleague Klaver, not Jesse who I just made out it. I bite my tongue to make sure I won't start a nervous rant about Machiavelli's theory about statesmanship. That surely won't do this situation any good. "I didn't know you were such a good kisser," I blurt out. Classy Rob, just stunning. He chuckles, "Thanks I guess, you were expecting worse?" I shrug a bit uneasy, "I don't know, it's not like I gave it a lot of thought." "You didn't?" Jesse sounds surprised. With a small frown on my face, I try to look him in the eyes, but his gaze remains focused on the path in front of us. "You did?" I ask. Jesse stops walking abruptly and turns to me. His eyes shimmer, "Every damn day," he says, "ever since that one time in the hallway. I couldn't help myself. A man only has a limited amount of self-control." He briefly squeezes my hand, "You don't have a clue how good you look when stand behind the interruption mic, do you?" His cheeks turn a light pink and he looks away, only now realizing the meaning of those words. "Hey," I say while tracing his cheek with my finger. He looks up and I continue, "I sort of want to kiss you again, is that okay?" Jesse laughs, "Are you kidding me?" And with those words he pulls me in his arms.

When we stop kissing and start walking, the atmosphere between us has changed completely. I'm no longer nervous, though butterflies are still flying up and down in my stomach. For days I'd been racking my brain thinking about what would happen today. Was it a date or not really? While getting ready this morning I was wondering whether my clothes mattered. Would he look at the way my jeans fit me or not? During the car ride I wondered. I couldn't stop wondering about who was going to take the first step. Turns out, it was him. Thank God, because I'm not sure whether I would have been able to gather enough courage to do it. To cross that line and pass the point of no return. Whatever happens now, things have changed. Irreversible. For better or for worse.

You Robbed My Heart - Jesse Klaver X Rob Jetten AU FanfictionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant