Chapter 15

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*Be warned, more smut straight ahead. 

So I think I am managing? Rob is softly moaning under me, a very encouraging sound. His eyes are closed and his nails are dug deep into the pillows. I guess that means I'm doing something right.

Then all of a sudden he sits up and places a hand on my shoulder, stopping me. I look up and his eyes meet mine. I'm afraid I did something wrong, but he smiles. He seems flustered, but the lights in his eyes are stronger than ever before. His next words take me by surprise.

"Would you like to take this to the bedroom?" He whispers.

Does that mean what I think it means? Are we going to do what I think and hope what we are going to do? God, am I even ready for this? I think I am. This guy has awakened a desire in me that I have not felt in a long time and now these desires could be met right here right now. But wait, didn't Rob say something about their rules?

"Are you sure?" I ask him. He just nods, while biting his lip. Sweet Jesus this guy. "But..." I hesitate, not sure whether I should be ruining my own night like this. No, I decide. If this is going to happen it should happen right. I am fully jeopardizing my relationship but that does not mean Rob should do the same.

"But Stefan?" I ask, "Not in the bed, right?"

"Shit," he answers, "I forgot about that just now."

He frees himself from my grip by sitting up and runs his hand through his hair. The frown is back on his forehead. "Sorry," he murmurs, staring at something on the coffee table.

I also get up and sit down next to him. "It's okay," I say, softly caressing his arm. The movie is still playing so I grab the remote and press pause. I'm not sure what else to do. It's quite a strange scene. All of the sudden I'm very conscious of myself. I am sitting shirtless on a couch that is not mine and Rob is fully naked, though that does not appear to bother him as much.

A silence. We sit side by side. I close my eyes and wait until my boner goes away. It doesn't. Then Rob starts to speak again.

"We do have a guest room," he says, without looking up.

I raise my eyebrows, "A guest room?"

He nods, "Yeah."

I sense that he needs me to be sure right now, so I jump up and hold out my hand. "Well let's go then." I say, with a lot more confidence than I'm actually feeling. I would've made a pretty terrible politician if I couldn't fake some confidence every now and then, but I guess it also comes in handy on some more private occasions.

A smile breaks through on Rob's face as he grabs my hand and stands up as well. I look down and see he's as excited as a few minutes ago.

"Lead the way," I say, realizing that I have no idea where any bedroom is in this apartment. Of course I don't. "Will do," he says with a smile while leaning in for a kiss.

I follow him through the hallway, looking at his naked back in the dim light coming from the living room. Sweet lord, the things this man makes me feel.

As Rob closes the door behind him he gestures at me. "Take 'm off," he says. I realize he is talking about my pants and I try to unbuckle my belt, but suddenly my hands are shaking at the thought of what is about to happen. He notices it.

"Hey," he says while coming up to me, "Want me to get that for ya?"

I look up. He wraps one arms around my waist and cups my face with the other. He kisses me and as his lips touch mine, my hands travel down across his back, painfully aware of how naked he is.

Our kiss grows more passionate and I feel him pressing against me. "May I?" He murmurs against my lips, his hands fidgeting with my belt. His thumb strokes against the bulge in my pants which sends a shiver down my spine. I want more of this. "Of course," I answer. I help him unzip my pants. The second they're off Rob jumps at me and pushes me down on the bed.

His hands slowly make their way down to my crotch. "And here I was wondering whether I'd made it bigger in my head," he giggles against my chest. I can't help but chuckle too. Rob only makes funny jokes.

With a soft groan he lets go of me and stands up. "Stay there," he says, "I'll be right back." I take a second to look at him. He is absolutely beautiful, and even better looking than any of his outfits in parliament might suggest. Silently I thank every possible god there is out there that I get to see this stunning man naked, without one of those fine suits on.

"Alright," I say with a smile. I'm not sure what he is going to do but I don't care, as long as he comes back.

The small mystery is not solved when he walks in again seconds later, clearly hiding something behind his back.

"Close your eyes," he dictates. "Come on," he continues when I don't listen immediately, "I'm not doing anything weird, I swear."

"You're not?" I answer teasingly, but I go ahead and close my eyes. "You know," I say to him as I hear him rummaging through the room, "I think lying with my eyes closed like this halfway through a hook up is a first."

I hear him laugh. "Well forgive me for making assumptions, but I assume that's not your only first tonight?" He asks it in a soft tone.

A small sight escapes my lips. "No, it's not," I answer, still keeping my eyes closed. I feel my face getting red.

"Don't worry," he says, "I'm here for ya."

I can't help but laugh, albeit a bit nervously. "Isn't that the whole point Rob? Can't very well do it on my own, can I?"

I hear him chuckle, "But still, I mean it! Don't worry."


Though it is a bit weird, not having to see him while having this weird talk also makes it easier. I feel him sit down next to me on the bed. "You can open your eyes," he says while leaning in for a kiss. I open my eyes and look around. Half a dozen candles spread a warm light through the room. This freaking guy.

"I'm sorry I know this doesn't really scream casual hook up or anything, but I wanted to make it a little special," he says, "You know, because it's your first –"

"It's amazing, thank you." I interrupt him and pull him closer, "Now get over here."

* I sincerely apologize if someone is really put off by this, but based on last chapter's reactions I'd say it's the opposite :) Have a good weekend everyone! Also, don't worry I'll get back to writing smut free chapters soon enough haha

You Robbed My Heart - Jesse Klaver X Rob Jetten AU FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now