Chapter 17

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When Jesse is gone I start running through the apartment, trying to cover up the tracks of our night. I am fixing the pillows on the couch when I realize that I don't have to. Damn it Rob you're in an open relationship. I am very sure we did not break the rules, but I still feel the need to hide it from Stefan. As if something that we did here surpasses the boundaries of what we agreed upon. I wish I had more experience with things like this, but usually it's Stefan who has these kind of adventures. Though, besides the overwhelming need to hide my one-night stand from him, there is a small portion of satisfaction too. A small voice in my head, saying "Look at me Stefan, I can play ball too." Something inside me can't wait to tell him, but that's not surprising since I always want to tell him everything. One time I described Stefan as the personification of my safe space, and I meant it.

Okay, time to compromise. I will tidy up the living room and the guest room, but I will not do anything extra to cover up my tracks. That would make it suspicious, I think. Besides, he has the right to know. He always tells me about his hook-ups and so should I. Right? Right. Sometimes I wish I wouldn't overthink everything like this.

When picking up the candles in the guestroom, a big smile is firmly glued onto my face. Gosh, it was so wonderful and so intense. Who could have thought this would ever happen? Seriously, who?

When everything is tidied up, I take a quick shower before slipping into bed again, my own bed this time. Stefan still isn't home. With my eyes closed, I keep replaying last night in my head. It was all so good. A little awkward, but good. I smile to myself, what else can you expect for someone's first time? When he confessed that to me I sensed that he was embarrassed, but I thought it was special. Correction, I felt special. The idea that Jesse – of all people – would find me attractive enough to sleep with me spreads a warm feeling through my body, as I finally drift off to sleep.

Hours later, I wake up to the sound of music playing in the kitchen. A quick look at my alarm clock tells me it is 11.17. I look at my phone and my heart makes a small jump in my chest when I see I got a new message from Jesse.

I had a great time last night, you are really something else. I'll talk to you soon, take care xo.

Really something else. Huh, not bad, I guess. The bedroom door slowly opens and I quickly put my phone away when I see Stefan's head peaking in.

"Good morning sunshine," he says with a big smile. His hair is still wet from the shower and he's only wearing a pair of underpants and that one blue t-shirt that looks so good on him.

"Hey baby," I answer, also smiling. I want to ask him how his night was, but he starts speaking again before I get the chance.

"Stay here," he says, while speeding out the door again. I wait, amused at the fact that I said those exact words to Jesse not even 24 hours ago. A few minutes later Stefan comes back in with a tray in his hands. Carefully he places it on my nightstand. "I didn't know if you'd already be awake," he says while handing me an extra pillow so I can sit upright. I look at the tray and smile. He made me a whole breakfast.

"Thank you for that," I say, taking his hand and pressing my lips against it, "You didn't have to."

"I know, but I wanted to," he answers, bending over for a kiss. Then, he walks around the bed and sits down on his side. "Besides, someone's got to take of you," he adds, while lovingly stroking the hair out of my eyes. I pick up the bowl of fruit he made for me and start eating.

"Now tell me," he continues, his hand on my knee, "What did you get up to last night? Or should I say who did you get up to?"

I stop mid-bite and look at him. His eyes are twinkling. "How did you know?" I ask, smiling weakly.

"Oh come on Rob, I know you. You've got that glow." He teasingly pokes in my arm.

Not looking him in the eye I take a sip of the coffee that he also made for me. "That glow?" I ask.

"Your sex glow sweetheart." He softly kisses me on my cheek. "Now tell me, unless you don't want to of course."

I put the coffee down, surprised he knows me that well. "No it's fine," I say. I meet his gaze and notice he has that curious look in his eyes. It really is fine, I think. Why wouldn't I tell him? After all, I didn't break our rules.

He scoots a little closer and rests his hand on my thigh, squeezing it briefly. "Was is the intern again?"

"The intern?" Without meaning to do so I raise my voice, together with my eyebrows.

"That guy you told me about. Some guy that works at the parliament," Stefan explains, "I figured he was an intern."

"You think I am sleeping with interns?" I ask, the disbelief still clearly present in my voice.

"Not interns, just one of them. Intern. Singular," he chuckles.

I laugh. The hilarity of the situation. "What would a twenty-two-year-old want to do with me?"

"So you're not sleeping with an intern?" He asks, also laughing.

I shake my head. "No. It's just some guy that works at the parliament. And not as an intern."

He keeps looking at me with an amused look on his face.

"Come on babe, I can't tell you who. You know what that world is like. If it gets out it could ruin his career, and mine too," I say, trying to explain why I am withholding information from my significant other. I can see in his eyes that he understands.

He nods and says "Okay, but you can tell me what you guys did?"

I wink. "Affirmative, we had..." I pause and look away, all of a sudden shy about the topic, "sex." My voice is barely louder than a whisper.

"Yes! I knew it." Stefan sounds triumphant. Why is he so excited for me to sleep with other men? Is that normal? My surprise is probably readable on my face because he leans over and caresses my arm.

"I just want you to be happy Rob. You deserve many men," he says, before leaving a trail of kisses on my shoulder.

"How romantic." I lean over to kiss him and as his lips touch mine I feel his hand wandering across my chest.

"So?" He asks while I start eating my breakfast again.

I raise my eyebrows and ask "What do you want to know?" We're in new territory here. Usually the roles are reversed and its him with the stories.

"Was it good?" he asks, "You can be honest with me babe, I won't get jealous."

A smile breaks through on my face. "Alright then, it was fucking amazing."

"Good," he says, smiling. For a moment we sit in silence. I wait for him to start talking but he doesn't. He probably knows that I am waiting for him to say something and now he's staying quiet on purpose, to get more information out of me. Damn it he knows me so well.

"It was different than with you, which was exciting," I say, while finishing up my breakfast.

"I bet, and did he treat you well?" Stefan asks, while running his hand through his hair.

I nod and I feel a smile break through on my face. "Yeah, very." He really did. Not that I don't like it rough sometimes, but the way Jesse touched me, loved me, and held me in his arms – it was just very hot.

Stefan smiles too, "Want to tell me more?"

I give him a quick kiss. "If you insist," I answer.

By the time that I am done talking, it is impossible to not notice the bulge in his underpants. Under the covers I feel that I have gotten excited again too.

"Sounds like I need to step up my game then," he says, as to conclude my story.

I wink. "Maybe you do."

We kiss, and as our embrace intensifies I feel his hand moving under the covers. "Oh you meant right now?"

He takes the empty bowl from my hand and places it on the nightstand. "No time like the present." 

*Wow we're already at the end of chapter 17! Thank you so much for reading this, it really means a lot to me. Have an amazing day everyone!

You Robbed My Heart - Jesse Klaver X Rob Jetten AU FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now